Farm to School en Montpelier's Soulful Soup: Uniting the School Community Through Food <span>Montpelier&#039;s Soulful Soup: Uniting the School Community Through Food</span> <span><span>Sarah</span></span> <span>Thu, 06/20/2024 - 11:32</span> <div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p>“Wow, it really does look like Hogwarts,” a student remarks, impressed, walking into the school gymnasium. Set end-to-end, four long stretches of tables span the room, one for each grade (“Harry Potter style”). The bleachers and mats are strung with twinkling lights, pushed aside for the schoolwide lunch. It’s March 2024, and Montpelier High School’s first-ever <em>Solon Soup for the Soul</em> is just kicking off with 400 students and staff sitting down to share a meal together.</p> <p><figure role="group"><img alt="A teacher ladles soup into a bowl. In the background, many students are seated at long tables in a school gymnasium." data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="84ccf9b4-55ce-48ec-a03e-6f66a6fffad4" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/2024%20March%20Montpelier%20Soup%20Event%20SMW-17.jpg" width="2500" height="1667" loading="lazy" /><figcaption>Educator Sam Bromley serves soup to students during the inaugural Solon Soup for the Soul lunch. Photo by Sarah Webb.</figcaption></figure></p><p> </p> <p>“We have events like this in the fall and spring, and we were thinking how we should have one in the winter, too,” explains senior Meg Voisin. She and fellow senior Anika Turcotte are the creators of the event, named for the school’s mascot, the Athenian philosopher, <a href="">Solon</a>. The duo organized with teachers, the school nutrition team, and administrators to give their peers time to connect with one another following the isolating years of the pandemic.</p> <p>“Only half of the school would come in the morning, and the other half came in the afternoon,” Meg remembers back to those days. “So we were coming in as freshmen, and there's like these big scary seniors, and you can't see if they're smiling at you because we've all got masks on, and there are temperature guns as you walk through the school… It was really isolating.”</p> <p>As restrictions eased, the school created a spring event, Pizza for the People. Students gathered in between class sessions to eat freshly baked pizza from the outdoor oven, play lawn games, and have a moment of normalcy. “​​The event was designed to combat that isolation,” shares Meg, “and that’s what we want for Solon Soup for the Soul, too.” </p> <p>But the road to Solon Soup took a team, and time. Last summer, three teachers — Brigitte Savard, Matt McLane, and Sam Bromley — formed a team with Meg and Anika and were accepted into the <a href="">Northeast Farm to School Institute</a>, a year-long program supporting schools across the region in deepening connections among the classroom, cafeteria, and local agricultural community.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="container-mid padding-left-right-reset spacing-3-v-app container-slide-single"> <div class="splide splide-slider-single js-splide-slider-single wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div class="splide__track"> <ul class="splide__list"> <li class="splide__slide"> <figure> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2024-06/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0089.jpg?itok=PYr8QQY8 1x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2024-06/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0089.jpg?itok=4VJJ3Lx7 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2024-06/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0089.jpg?itok=PYr8QQY8 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider/public/2024-06/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0089.jpg?h=41f55a5b&amp;itok=x-v64MWl 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img image_alt="the Montpelier Northeast Farm to School Institute team seated at a table working during the Shelburne Farms Coach Barn" src="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2024-06/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0089.jpg?itok=4VJJ3Lx7" alt="" /> </picture> <figcaption class="splide-caption-block text-center"> <div class="img-credit text-right">Andy Duback</div> <p class="font-size-sm font-regular"><p>A portion of the Montpelier Northeast Farm to School Institute team at the Shelburne Farms Coach Barn develops their action plan for further embedding food systems education into their curriculum.</p> </p> </figcaption> </figure> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <figure> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2024-06/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0628-0001.jpg?itok=hunDkM_w 1x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2024-06/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0628-0001.jpg?itok=IcHXhRBn 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2024-06/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0628-0001.jpg?itok=hunDkM_w 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider/public/2024-06/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0628-0001.jpg?h=41f55a5b&amp;itok=lJcE9tse 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img image_alt="Two high school students smile while seated at a table." src="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2024-06/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0628-0001.jpg?itok=IcHXhRBn" alt="" /> </picture> <figcaption class="splide-caption-block text-center"> <div class="img-credit text-right">Andy Duback</div> <p class="font-size-sm font-regular"><p>Youth team members&nbsp;Meg Voisin (left) and Anika Turcotte (right) dream up the Solon Soup for the Soul event during the Northeast Farm to School Institute at Shelburne Farms.</p> </p> </figcaption> </figure> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p>The Montpelier team went into the kick-off retreat with some significant assets. Pizza for the People, and the school’s longstanding Fall Harvest Celebration were already highlighting how Montpelier’s sense of community is synonymous with a shared meal. Out behind their school, a greenhouse, gardens, apiaries, and a flock of chickens were helping students connect good food to its source. </p> <p>“We just really needed that dedicated team time to dive into this work,” shares science teacher Sam Bromley. “I feel like in the school setting, it's really hard to bring stakeholders together and have the time and space to get in the mindset to think creatively.”</p> <p>Students and teachers shared in the planning. “I can't imagine not having students as part of the team,” Sam adds. “If we can get students involved right away, they can build excitement. Their voice builds teacher buy-in and longevity.”</p> <p>It was during the Institute’s opening retreat at Shelburne Farms Coach Barn that Meg and Anika envisioned Solon Soup for the Soul. “It was a time and space for our team of teachers and students to all be together, completely focused on this one thing,” recalls Anika. “I remember sitting in the back of that nice, big barn… just being surrounded by all these people who are really excited about bringing good food into our schools. It helped focus us. That barn is a good place for ideas.”</p> <p>“We just started brainstorming,” explains Meg. “What do we want for ourselves? For our peers? And we were just thinking ‘really cozy, rustic bread, comfort.’ Right then and there we created the title of it: Solon Soup for the Soul.”</p> <p>The team returned to school with an idea, ready to bring it to life, and held regular planning meetings throughout the fall semester. “We faced some logistical challenges,” remembers Brigitte. “We couldn’t use the gym during the basketball season, our school's folding tables were destroyed in a recent flood, and the school calendar was already jam-packed.” But the team had help. “Having the support of the administration was key to this event's success,” says Brigitte. “ They helped us navigate the hurdles we faced.”</p> <p><figure role="group"><img alt="Students prepare carrots in an education kitchen." data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="2fec4691-c1c3-49b4-8bc5-a82cfbea86dd" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/2024%20March%20Montpelier%20Soup%20Event%20SMW-2.jpg" width="2500" height="1667" loading="lazy" /><figcaption>Students supported the event by processing the majority of the menu's ingredients during class time. Photo by Sarah Webb.</figcaption></figure></p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p>Then, they needed to figure out how to make over 400 servings of soup. The team pulled in student-power from classes that already used the school’s teaching kitchen, like Sam’s Cooked class, a popular offering with hands-on culinary and food systems learning. “It’s a space where we get to cook foods we normally couldn't at home,” explains Cooked student Lara. “We get to learn new skills and cook for special events and guests. It’s just nice to work together.”</p> <p>Brigitte’s French and Crêpe classes were also tasked to help. The Crêpe class supports a student-run crêpe kiosk at the local farmers’ market. “Students work on all aspects of the business,” shares Brigitte, “from cooking, menu development, branding, and marketing, to serving and taking orders at the market.” The sales support a travel scholarship fund available school-wide.</p> <p>Leading up to the lunch, these classes prepped the ingredients: 50 pounds of carrots, 30 pounds of onions, 80 pounds of potatoes, and 40 gallons of stock to name a few. The cooking was finished in the cafeteria kitchen.</p> <p><figure role="group"><img alt="A man ladles soup into large hotel pans in a school kitchen." data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="c1bc03e8-916e-4462-95e1-e50f3ce3b9df" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/2024%20March%20Montpelier%20Soup%20Event%20SMW-5.jpg" width="2500" height="1667" loading="lazy" /><figcaption>Food Services Director Jim Birmingham pulls the meal together and works with the team to serve the entire school community in the gymnasium. Photo by Sarah Webb.</figcaption></figure></p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p>“We are very fortunate to have a very supportive Food Services Director and Kitchen Manager,” explains Sam. “They’re partners in this work. They’re excited to support more whole-school events and get students involved, but they don’t always have the people power.”</p> <p>Vermont school nutrition departments budget for, plan, cook, and serve over 17 million meals annually, with an abundance of regulations applied to every single one, including special events like Solon Soup for the Soul.  </p> <p>“The students came up with this idea, and my role is to help them figure out how to make their idea be compliant [with USDA standards],” explains Food Services Director Jim Birmingham. “My role really was doing the math, understanding the regulations, knowing what needed to be served, and working from there.”</p> <p>The team figured out how to create a simple menu that could feed the entire school in an hour, while meeting requirements and purchasing as much local food as possible. The solution  was all about collaboration. “We cook the Misty Knoll chickens and the students pick them,” explains Jim. “We buy the carrots, and they cut them. It's nice to work with Sam, who can work with the students, prioritize, and help us figure out how to make it all work.</p> <p><figure role="group"><img alt="Teachers serve soup from a cart" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="71db0c01-a488-40b4-9c38-d9d4ac98043c" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/2024-March-Montpelier-Soup-Event-SMW-11web.jpg" width="2000" height="1333" loading="lazy" /><figcaption>Educator Brigitte Savard serves up chicken soup as the entire school gathers for a meal together. Photo by Sarah Webb.</figcaption></figure></p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p>And they made it all work. On March 20, Montpelier High School students and faculty sat down in the gymnasium.  A custom <a href=";pi=e-aqy-8CAVSaGs&amp;nd=1&amp;dlsi=ead004168be243cf">Solon Soup for the Soul playlist</a> was just audible above the conversation. The planning team, pushing carts brimming with pots of soup, wound their way through the aisles, ladling out chicken noodle and vegan minestrone to all. The event also served as a food drive, collecting nonperishables for a nearby food shelf. Extra soup was packaged and donated, too.</p> <p>“You know, we typically don't eat together all at once. So it was really nice to have an extended amount of time where students could sit down and eat together,” says Sam. “It was a chance to really have some intentionality behind eating and bringing the community together.”</p> <p>“These events really are a core Montpelier thing,” Anika adds. “I'm so grateful to be a part of a school community that values spending time, all together, serving local food. These events will definitely be what I'll look back on in ten years and remember.”</p> <p><figure role="group"><img alt="A group of five students and teachers smile for a photo in a classroom." data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="b400c694-4bcc-4d7d-ac51-afea1d30a1c6" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/IMG_2827.jpg" width="2500" height="1667" loading="lazy" /><figcaption>The Solon Soup for the Soul team. Left to right: Sam Bromley, Anika Turcotte, Meg Voisin, Brigitte Savard, Matt McLane. Phot courtesy Montpelier High School.</figcaption></figure></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div><a href="/about/staff-and-board/sarah-webb" hreflang="und">Sarah Webb</a></div> </div> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Education Impact</div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>Youth Voice</div> </div> <div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/farm-school-impact-numbers" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-03/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0049.jpg?h=c3635fa2&amp;itok=YoUBPFI- 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2024-03/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0049.jpg?h=c3635fa2&amp;itok=kImoiBoL 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-03/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0049.jpg?h=c3635fa2&amp;itok=YoUBPFI- 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2024-03/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0049.jpg?h=c3635fa2&amp;itok=kImoiBoL 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-03/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0049.jpg?h=c3635fa2&amp;itok=YoUBPFI- 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-03/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0049.jpg?h=c3635fa2&amp;itok=YoUBPFI-" alt="A large group of educators stand outdoors, raising their arms during a movement activity." /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Education Impact</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Farm to School Impact by the Numbers</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>We’re sharing a look back at some of our projects, collaborations, and campaigns that helped to propel the farm to school movement forward in 2023.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/honoring-identity-classroom-students-embrace-their-food-story" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=Ru72t9VN 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=Ru72t9VN 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP" alt="A teacher holds the lid open of a simmer pot of chai as a student spoons in loose herbs and spices" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>Youth Voice</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Honoring Identity in the Classroom: Students Embrace Their Food Story</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>Vermont Teacher of the Year Aziza Malik explores how food, like storytelling, connects us all.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/adapting-model-connecticuts-statewide-farm-school-institute" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-02/IMG_8260web_0.jpeg?h=d08f423e&amp;itok=LO5219tm 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2024-02/IMG_8260web_0.jpeg?h=d08f423e&amp;itok=qSUs9e8H 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-02/IMG_8260web_0.jpeg?h=d08f423e&amp;itok=LO5219tm 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2024-02/IMG_8260web_0.jpeg?h=d08f423e&amp;itok=qSUs9e8H 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-02/IMG_8260web_0.jpeg?h=d08f423e&amp;itok=LO5219tm 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-02/IMG_8260web_0.jpeg?h=d08f423e&amp;itok=LO5219tm" alt="Connecticut Farm to School Institute participants gather outdoors for a group photo" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Education Impact</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Adapting the Model: Connecticut’s Statewide Farm to School Institute</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>As part of the 2023–24 Farm to School Institute Adaptation cohort, Connecticut reflects on their experience launching their first statewide Institute.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> </div> <div> <div>Featured</div> <div>Off</div> </div> <section> <h2 class="heading-title text-center">Add new comment</h2> <drupal-render-placeholder callback="comment.lazy_builders:renderForm" arguments="0=node&amp;1=3787&amp;2=field_comments&amp;3=comment" token="01UPfR9S_O29WO3y6QQUE3mH4N7ci8MSfcLIB0t7-0k"></drupal-render-placeholder> </section> <div>false</div> <div><time datetime="2024-06-20T12:00:00Z">June 20, 2024</time> </div> <div>Off</div> Thu, 20 Jun 2024 15:32:27 +0000 Sarah 3787 at Three Garden Activities for Early Learners <span>Three Garden Activities for Early Learners</span> <span><span>aestey</span></span> <span>Fri, 06/07/2024 - 13:28</span> <div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><h2>From our collaborators at Mass Audubon</h2> <p><figure role="group" class="align-center"><img alt="Young students and an educator pick snow peas in a garden" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="e50c5d27-3ad9-43ca-8ee6-3716fa83459e" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/SAinGarden.jpg" width="968" height="646" loading="lazy" /><figcaption>Photo: Andrea Estey</figcaption></figure></p><p>Rina Zampieron, State-Wide Early Education Manager with <a href="">Mass Audubon</a>, firmly believes all young learners should learn about and have access to time in nature. One way to make this more approachable? By starting with a few simple garden planters around the classroom.</p> <p>“There are so many different kinds of gardens,” explains Rina. “A garden doesn’t have to be huge. A growbag of cherry tomatoes or one or two raised beds of herbs and flowers is a garden, too.” Rina, who coaches teams of educators and school nutrition professionals in the <a href="">Northeast Farm to School Institute</a>, talks about farm to early childcare as a gateway: a gateway to more nature-based learning, to learning about our food sources and the people who grow it, and to a sense of curiosity and wonder.</p> <p>Last summer, Rina shared some of her favorite garden-related activities with early educators at the Farm to School Institute. If you work with learners ages 0-8, give these ideas a try!</p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app content-block-wrap"> <div class="list-img-block list-img-block--border wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div class="list-img-each list-img-each--border spacing-4-v-app"> <div class="list-img-row row flex-sm flex-no-wrap"> <div class="col flex-shrink-0"> <div class="list-img-wrap list-img-wrap--lg"> </div> </div> <div class="col flex-1"> <div> <div class="flex heading-uppercase"> </div> <h3 class="list-img-title heading-brand-serif"> <div>Garden Olympics</div> </h3> <div class="font-regular spacing-t spacing-b list-img-body"> <div><p><em>From Mass Audubon Early Education</em></p> <p><figure role="group" class="align-left"><img alt="A young child holds a large sunflower" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="819b2b48-28af-4230-a209-5fb3a55a50ab" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Flower.jpg" width="448" height="299" loading="lazy" /><figcaption>Photo: Sarah Webb</figcaption></figure></p><p>With the Summer Olympics around the corner, here’s a simple activity to bring the games closer to home while building observational skills.</p> <p><strong>Instructions</strong></p> <ol><li>Create a document with a simple 3x3 table. Label each square with a superlative of your choosing, like tallest plant, largest flowers, or most colorful bloom, leaving room for students to draw or write their medalist in each square. <a href="">Or, download a PDF of Mass Audubon’s Garden Olympics pre-labeled chart</a>.</li> <li>Print the sheet and distribute copies to your students, then venture into the garden to see which plants rise to the top in each category. Talk about your observations and what students notice. Where did students have observations in common? Where were they different?</li> <li>For older ages, add in more science by challenging them to make predictions. In one month, how might what we see change? Will a different plant be the tallest? Will new blooms appear or disappear?</li> <li>Repeat the activity once a month as plants in your garden grow. How did your observations change over time?</li> <li>Next year, start the Garden Olympics while your plants are still seeds. Looking at the seeds, what do students predict will be the biggest plant, or the most colorful? Label what you plant, and see how your predictions play out.</li> </ol></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app content-block-wrap"> <div class="list-img-block list-img-block--border wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div class="list-img-each list-img-each--border spacing-4-v-app"> <div class="list-img-row row flex-sm flex-no-wrap"> <div class="col flex-shrink-0"> <div class="list-img-wrap list-img-wrap--lg"> </div> </div> <div class="col flex-1"> <div> <div class="flex heading-uppercase"> </div> <h3 class="list-img-title heading-brand-serif"> <div>Garden Soundscapes and Natural Pest Spray</div> </h3> <div class="font-regular spacing-t spacing-b list-img-body"> <div><p><em>From Mass Audubon Early Education</em></p> <p><figure role="group" class="align-left"><img alt="A woman holds a homemade mobile with assorted dangling objects" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="fc51049d-6fa8-415f-87cf-0189702900c4" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Soundscape.jpg" width="448" height="299" loading="lazy" /><figcaption>Rina (pictured here) with her handmade mobile, featuring canning jar rings, pinecones, and silverware dangling from an old candle-snuffer. (Photo: Andrea Estey)</figcaption></figure></p><p>Gardens are full of tasty treats, and not just for us. Bugs, birds, mammals, and others love to munch on our hard-earned garden produce. How can we safely discourage garden thievery? Keep birds and mammals away with visual and audio deterrence via a musical, moveable mobile! A collection of beautiful junk and recyclables makes both lovely decoration and a garden guard.</p> <p><strong>Suggested materials</strong></p> <ul><li>Coat hangers or wire</li> <li>Foil trays and tins</li> <li>Balls of aluminum foil</li> <li>Old keys or silverware</li> <li>Metal hardware like bolts, nuts, brackets, and cabinet handles</li> <li>Yarn, twine, or ribbon</li> <li>CDs or DVDs</li> <li>Tinsel or other metallic ribbon</li> <li>Sticks or pinecones</li> <li>Plastic beads</li> <li>Canning jar rings</li> </ul><p><strong>Assembly</strong></p> <ol><li>Select an old metal coat hanger, piece of wire, or large stick from which the rest of your objects will hang. </li> <li>Select and arrange the objects you’d like to have dangling from your mobile. Aim for a range of objects that will produce both sounds (like an old fork hitting a pie plate) and things that sparkle and shine (like old CDs or tinsel). </li> <li>Attach your objects to your coat hanger using yarn, twine, or ribbon, keeping in mind that the longer your strings, the higher your mobile will need to be off the ground.</li> <li>Hang the sculpture from a garden post, fence, or tree bordering your garden space.</li> </ol><p>For smaller pests like bugs, it’s all about smell and taste. To level up your pest deterrence, make your own plant-safe spray. Try mixing some of these ingredients with water in a spray bottle. Your spray will be food-safe and non-toxic, but bugs sure don’t enjoy it! For older ages, try making a few different combinations, and study which combination works best to deter which pests.</p> <p><strong>Suggested ingredients</strong></p> <ul><li>Natural dish soap (not detergent)</li> <li>Chopped garlic or onion</li> <li>Chili or cayenne powder/fresh chopped</li> <li>Citronella leaves</li> <li>Vinegar</li> </ul></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app content-block-wrap"> <div class="list-img-block list-img-block--border wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div class="list-img-each list-img-each--border spacing-4-v-app"> <div class="list-img-row row flex-sm flex-no-wrap"> <div class="col flex-shrink-0"> <div class="list-img-wrap list-img-wrap--lg"> </div> </div> <div class="col flex-1"> <div> <div class="flex heading-uppercase"> </div> <h3 class="list-img-title heading-brand-serif"> <div>Planning a Dream Garden</div> </h3> <div class="font-regular spacing-t spacing-b list-img-body"> <div><p><em>From Mass Audubon Early Education</em></p> <p><figure role="group" class="align-left"><img alt="A sketch depicts a garden layout" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="7779c19f-b0f0-4b69-a593-e2057990371f" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/DreamGarden.jpg" width="448" height="299" loading="lazy" /><figcaption>All you need for this design activity is gardening magazines and seed catalogues and a bit of imagination. (Photo: Andrea Estey)</figcaption></figure></p><p>If you’re designing a garden space, loop your young learners into the process with a collage activity! Rina advises that when it comes time to purchase and plant, every garden plan should be tailored to your classroom, including your space constraints; conditions like soil, sun, and water; your learners’ specific needs; and your goals, whether producing food or supporting pollinators. </p> <p>A specific piece of advice for the earliest learners: choose plants that are edible and hardy (mint is a great choice for these reasons!) and flowers that are edible and colorful. Older learners may enjoy sensory delights like herbs or Lamb’s Ears.</p> <p>This activity works well towards the end of winter when you might start thinking about your upcoming garden, but can be a fun visualization any time of year.</p> <p><strong>Instructions</strong></p> <ol><li>Start the conversation about what the plants are doing right now. Perhaps some are dead, others are “sleeping,” and some are “awake.”</li> <li>Assemble and distribute drawing and collage materials, like seed catalogs (free from companies like Burpee and other seed suppliers), gardening magazines, or even calendars. If you have an existing garden, you may give children a template of your space (such as number and location of planters/raised beds), or you can make it completely open ended.</li> <li>Allow children to cut and paste, or draw, what they’d want the garden to look like.</li> <li>Have them share as a class, post their plans on the walls, and discuss the different plants they listed. Are all the plants familiar to everyone? What things reflect foods children bring for lunch? Are there any plants that some children haven’t seen or tasted before (maybe you could bring one in!).</li> <li>You can also let this inform your decisions about what kinds of seeds or seedlings you might want to grow.</li> </ol></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div><div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset spacing-3-v-app border-t-yellow-wheat"> <div class="red-brand-bg white-cream wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div> <figure class="full-width-wrap"> <figcaption class="img-credit spacing-half-t spacing-3-b spacing-2-h text-right"></figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="spacing-5-b col col-10-lg margin-auto wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="2.6s"> <h1></h1> <div class="font-size-lg"> <p> <div>Thank you to Rina Zampieron, who will again be a team coach at the 2024–25 Northeast Farm to School Institute, kicking off June 25. The Farm to School Institute is a collaboration of NOFA-VT and Shelburne Farms Institute for Sustainable Schools.<br /> </div> </p> </div> <div class="spacing-2-t spacing-4-b"> <a href="" class="btn btn--white-cream "> Visit Mass Audubon for farm &amp; nature-based resources and trainings</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div><a href="/about/staff-and-board/andrea-estey" hreflang="und">Andrea Estey </a></div> </div> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Activities For Students</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> <div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/tomato-planet-activity" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/tomatoplanet2700x1800.jpg?h=2e3eca71&amp;itok=pPbiPDNj 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/tomatoplanet2700x1800.jpg?h=2e3eca71&amp;itok=92uZSGkf 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/tomatoplanet2700x1800.jpg?h=2e3eca71&amp;itok=pPbiPDNj 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/tomatoplanet2700x1800.jpg?h=2e3eca71&amp;itok=92uZSGkf 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/tomatoplanet2700x1800.jpg?h=2e3eca71&amp;itok=pPbiPDNj 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/tomatoplanet2700x1800.jpg?h=2e3eca71&amp;itok=pPbiPDNj" alt="Woman holding a cherry tomato" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>Activities For Students</div> <div>Farm-Based Education</div> <div>For Educators</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Tomato Planet Activity</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>Highlights from our ABCs of Farm-Based Education program, including a kid-friendly introduction to learning what seeds need to grow.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/kid-favorite-plants-your-garden" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-05/2023%20%20October%20Adventures%20SMW-12_1.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=pPHT8X20 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2024-05/2023%20%20October%20Adventures%20SMW-12_1.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=kVQIM2BI 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-05/2023%20%20October%20Adventures%20SMW-12_1.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=pPHT8X20 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2024-05/2023%20%20October%20Adventures%20SMW-12_1.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=kVQIM2BI 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-05/2023%20%20October%20Adventures%20SMW-12_1.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=pPHT8X20 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-05/2023%20%20October%20Adventures%20SMW-12_1.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=pPHT8X20" alt="a child stands in a garden smelling a flower" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Activities For Students</div> <div>Family Activities</div> <div>Farm-Based Education</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Kid-Favorite Plants for Your Garden</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>Some of our educators' favorite plants that stir up excitement in the garden — try a few in your plot this season!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/garden-bugs-friend-or-foe" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/monarch.png?h=8a7fc05e&amp;itok=pHcu5nv9 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/monarch.png?h=8a7fc05e&amp;itok=yaYqkyEe 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/png"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/monarch.png?h=8a7fc05e&amp;itok=pHcu5nv9 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/monarch.png?h=8a7fc05e&amp;itok=yaYqkyEe 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/png"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/monarch.png?h=8a7fc05e&amp;itok=pHcu5nv9 1x" type="image/png"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/monarch.png?h=8a7fc05e&amp;itok=pHcu5nv9" alt="Butterfly on a nasturtium plant" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>Activities For Students</div> <div>Family Activities</div> <div>Food &amp; Farming</div> <div>For Educators</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Garden Bugs: Friend or Foe?</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>Our gardens aren’t just full of tastes, colors, and smells - they are full of BUGS! Meet some of the insects that might be living in your garden.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> </div> <div> <div>Featured</div> <div>Off</div> </div> <section> <h2 class="heading-title text-center">Add new comment</h2> <drupal-render-placeholder callback="comment.lazy_builders:renderForm" arguments="0=node&amp;1=3773&amp;2=field_comments&amp;3=comment" token="Xco6bvrp_W8bqkFd-KXqpi6eAbeKgqTMH64WFoRhyao"></drupal-render-placeholder> </section> <div>false</div> <div>Off</div> Fri, 07 Jun 2024 17:28:02 +0000 aestey 3773 at Farmer-to-Farmer Connections: Building Networks for Learning <span>Farmer-to-Farmer Connections: Building Networks for Learning</span> <span><span>Sarah</span></span> <span>Thu, 05/16/2024 - 16:00</span> <div> <div><div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset spacing-3-v-app border-t-yellow-wheat"> <div class="white-bg wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div> <figure class="full-width-wrap"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/content_highlighted/public/2024-05/2023-May-Ag-Ed-Cohort-Gathering-Cedar-Circle-Farm-SMW-10web.jpg?itok=uk6weWc_" width="800" height="533" alt="Two women sit on the grass talking" /> </div> <figcaption class="img-credit spacing-half-t spacing-3-b spacing-2-h text-right">Sarah Webb</figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="spacing-5-b col col-10-lg margin-auto wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="2.6s"> <h1></h1> <div class="font-size-lg"> <p> <div>“I feel really passionate about providing an experience for children and young adults to have a connection to nature and learn about growing their food, but also empowering them so that they can have a toolset to be sustainable and have a different way of thinking and being in the world.”<br /> <br /> –Ariana Wild, Wild Farm</div> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p>In partnership with <a href="">NOFA-VT</a>, we recently wrapped up our <a href="">Agricultural Educators Cohort</a>, a peer-to-peer learning opportunity for farmers interested in connecting with schools and inviting youth to their farms for hands-on agricultural education.</p> <p>Along with gatherings throughout the year, we matched all eight participating farmers with a coach farmer in their region to share best practices, offer advice, and help them realize their goals. Hear from one such pair, Ariana Wild of <a href="">Wild Farm</a> and coach Misse Axelrod of <a href="">Vermont Farm and Forest School</a>:</p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app"> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset video-img-block wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.7s"> <div class="iframe-embed-responsive-wrap iframe-embed-responsive-wrap--16-9"> <div><div class='embed-container'> <iframe src=";loop=0&amp;title=1&amp;byline=0&amp;color=0093cb&amp;portrait=0" width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text-center"></div> </div> </div></div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset spacing-3-t-app heading-container-rich-text"> <h2 class="heading-brand-serif heading-rich-text wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div>Farmer &amp; Farm-Based Educator Resources</div> </h2> </div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><ul> <li><a href=""><strong>The Farm-Based Education Network</strong></a><br /> This free member network works to strengthen and support the work of educators, farmers, and community leaders who provide access and experiences on working farms.<br />  </li> <li><a href=""><strong>Climate Farm School for Farm-Based Educators</strong></a><strong>, September 2–27, 2024. Applications due July 5, 2024. </strong><br /> Join <a href="">Shelburne Farms</a>, the <a href="">Farm-Based Education Network</a>, and <a href="">Climate Farm School</a> for a new professional learning experience focused on climate change education. This is a unique, hybrid learning experience with an online component and a residential stay at Shelburne Farms (September 15–20). <br />  </li> <li><a href=""><strong>The ABCs of Farm-Based Education</strong></a>, <strong>offered twice a year, spring and fall, at Shelburne Farms.</strong><br /> This popular three-day workshop helps farmers engage and inspire visitors, shares kid-tested activities, and cultivates a community of peers to learn from. The program is designed for farmers, farm-based educators, and non-formal educators with any level of teaching experience who are building or looking to re-inspire farm-based programming. Co-presented by Shelburne Farms and the Farm-Based Education Network.<br />  </li> <li><a href=""><strong>This Farm Feeds Vermont Kids Campaign</strong></a><br /> <a href="">The Vermont Farm to School and Early Childhood Network</a> invites farmers selling to school and early childhood programs to post a lawn sign on your farm or market booth to tell your community that you’re helping to create a sustainable school food system.<br />  </li> <li><a href=""><strong>Local Food Procurement Toolkit</strong></a><br /> School Nutrition Professionals throughout the state are incorporating more and more local foods into their meal programs. This toolkit gives you a broad look at how this works from the school cafeteria perspective, as well as some additional resources for farmers (check out the “Tips, Tools &amp; Frequently Asked Questions” box).</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div><a href="/about/staff-and-board/sarah-webb" hreflang="und">Sarah Webb</a></div> </div> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Farm-Based Education</div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>Place-Based Education</div> </div> <div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/farm-school-impact-numbers" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-03/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0049.jpg?h=c3635fa2&amp;itok=YoUBPFI- 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2024-03/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0049.jpg?h=c3635fa2&amp;itok=kImoiBoL 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-03/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0049.jpg?h=c3635fa2&amp;itok=YoUBPFI- 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2024-03/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0049.jpg?h=c3635fa2&amp;itok=kImoiBoL 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-03/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0049.jpg?h=c3635fa2&amp;itok=YoUBPFI- 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-03/Shelburne-Farms-2023-0629-0049.jpg?h=c3635fa2&amp;itok=YoUBPFI-" alt="A large group of educators stand outdoors, raising their arms during a movement activity." /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Education Impact</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Farm to School Impact by the Numbers</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>We’re sharing a look back at some of our projects, collaborations, and campaigns that helped to propel the farm to school movement forward in 2023.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/sharing-love-food-foster-community" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=qc5x9zdv 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=6-n2_ybz 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=qc5x9zdv 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=6-n2_ybz 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=qc5x9zdv 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=qc5x9zdv" alt="A woman plants a squash plant with a group of young children" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Early Childhood</div> <div>Education Impact</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Sharing a Love of Food to Foster Community</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>Laura Butler's commitment to building community among her families and children is a central theme of her farm to early childhood program.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/connecting-students-vermonts-dairy-farms" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-06/2023-May-DITC-Trip-to-Paul-Lin-Farm-SMW-13w_0.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=sgi6_jpP 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-06/2023-May-DITC-Trip-to-Paul-Lin-Farm-SMW-13w_0.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=Kol5qe1T 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-06/2023-May-DITC-Trip-to-Paul-Lin-Farm-SMW-13w_0.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=sgi6_jpP 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-06/2023-May-DITC-Trip-to-Paul-Lin-Farm-SMW-13w_0.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=Kol5qe1T 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-06/2023-May-DITC-Trip-to-Paul-Lin-Farm-SMW-13w_0.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=sgi6_jpP 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-06/2023-May-DITC-Trip-to-Paul-Lin-Farm-SMW-13w_0.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=sgi6_jpP" alt="Cambridge Elementary students and their teachers circle up after their arrival to Paul-Lin Dairy in Bakersfield. VT" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Farm-Based Education</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Connecting Students to Vermont&#039;s Dairy Farms</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>June is National Dairy Month, and we're highlighting a longtime program connecting farmer and students: Dairy in the Classroom.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> </div> <div> <div>Featured</div> <div>Off</div> </div> <section> <h2 class="heading-title text-center">Add new comment</h2> <drupal-render-placeholder callback="comment.lazy_builders:renderForm" arguments="0=node&amp;1=3760&amp;2=field_comments&amp;3=comment" token="Zaeck8d1vrfFxal5WcbCHcICVdCUY_wortZQ6NJ5nps"></drupal-render-placeholder> </section> <div>false</div> <div><time datetime="2024-05-16T12:00:00Z">May 16, 2024</time> </div> Thu, 16 May 2024 20:00:00 +0000 Sarah 3760 at Leveraging Federal & State Funding for Innovations in Farm to Early Childhood <span>Leveraging Federal &amp; State Funding for Innovations in Farm to Early Childhood</span> <span><span>Sarah</span></span> <span>Mon, 03/04/2024 - 15:46</span> <div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p>Farm to early childhood encourages children to investigate their food systems, adopt nutritious eating behaviors, and develop deeper connections to their communities. How can early educators make the best use of federal and state funding to connect their children to local food and nutrition and agriculture education? Watch a recent webinar from <strong><a href="">Association of State Public Health Nutritionists</a></strong> (ASPHN) to explore current approaches from early educators and policy specialists.</p> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app"> <div class="container-mid padding-left-right-reset"> <h2 class="heading-brand-serif text-center spacing-2-b wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div>Watch the webinar from ASPHN</div> </h2> </div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset video-img-block wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.7s"> <div class="iframe-embed-responsive-wrap iframe-embed-responsive-wrap--16-9"> <div><div class='embed-container'> <iframe src=";loop=0&amp;title=1&amp;byline=0&amp;color=0093cb&amp;portrait=0" width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text-center"></div> </div> </div></div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><h4> </h4> <h4>Presenters: </h4> <p><strong>[1:53] Katrina Kefalas, Program Analyst CACFP Policy Branch, <a href="">USDA Food &amp; Nutrition Service</a></strong><br /> The <a href="">Child Adult Care Food Program</a> (CACFP) is a federal program funded by the USDA providing reimbursement for meals and snacks provided to children and adults enrolled in various settings (child care, family childcare homes, adult day cares, after school, emergency shelters, etc). Katrina shares how this program can support and bolster FTEC opportunities.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>[14:53] Brenda Tourangeau, Farm to School Coordinator, <a href="">Milton Family Community Center</a></strong><br /> Milton Family Community Center cares for and feeds nearly forty children, serving them breakfast, lunch, and snack daily. Brenda shares tips for getting kids outside in the garden, and how she has worked with local farmers to help kids understand who makes their food and fiber. “Putting the plant into the dirt is such instant gratification, but they also love planting the seeds in the dirt and waiting for it to sprout. It’s just so much fun watching their reactions when they pull a vegetable out of the dirt.”</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>[29:00] Laura Butler, Owner &amp; Educator, Imagination Island</strong><br /> Laura operates an in-home early childhood center in Milton, VT, and has been a CACFP participant for over 29 years. Gardening with her kids quickly took root with the families. “Families are now growing gardens and we’re swapping foods. I have one dad that is really good at growing squash, so he grows the squash for us. We have a salad garden, and it produces so much more than what we need to eat in a week—it is actually feeding all of the six families, too.” <em>Laura is a longtime Shelburne Farms collaborator and professional learning participant.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>[39:47] Melanie Tran, Farm to Early Childhood Education Specialist &amp; Registered Dietician, Michigan’s <a href="">Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities</a></strong><br /> 10 Cents a Meal for Michigan’s Kids and Farms is working to bring more local, nutritious foods to Michigan children, which reached approximately 590,000 children in SY2022-23. This reimbursement program supports local purchasing, and can offer additional funds on top of CACFP. Melanie shares how the program gained traction and the difference it is making.</p> <p> </p> <p><em>Original webinar date: January 9, 2024. <a href="/sites/default/files/imce/uploads/FarmtoCACFP.%20January%202024%20ASPHN%20Farm%20to%20ECE%20webinar%20slide%20deck.pdf">Download the slide deck</a>.</em></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div><a href="/about/staff-and-board/sarah-webb" hreflang="und">Sarah Webb</a></div> </div> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Early Childhood</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> <div> <div>Featured</div> <div>Off</div> </div> <section> <h2 class="heading-title text-center">Add new comment</h2> <drupal-render-placeholder callback="comment.lazy_builders:renderForm" arguments="0=node&amp;1=3707&amp;2=field_comments&amp;3=comment" token="hw3z0eM9GS9BcNpRRFFnqMB07KUr2SgvTw7_uI4sLQA"></drupal-render-placeholder> </section> <div>false</div> Mon, 04 Mar 2024 20:46:56 +0000 Sarah 3707 at Farm to School Impact by the Numbers <span>Farm to School Impact by the Numbers</span> <span><span>Sarah</span></span> <span>Fri, 03/01/2024 - 09:44</span> <div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><h4>2023 was a big year for our longstanding work in farm to school.</h4> <p>Since 2000, <a href=""><strong>Vermont FEED</strong></a>, our partnership project with <strong><a href="">NOFA-VT</a></strong>, has been instrumental in advancing farm to school, locally and beyond. We work with educators, farms, and school nutrition professionals all over the region to help students understand where their food comes from and who makes it.</p> <p>Vermont FEED also acts as a key connector on the state, regional, and national level. We  bring farm to school champions  — school administration, advocates, legislators, and more — together to share learning and  effect bigger food systems change, faster. </p> <p>We’re sharing a look back at some of our projects, collaborations, and campaigns that helped to propel the farm to school movement forward in 2023.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div><div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset spacing-3-v-app border-t-yellow-wheat"> <div class="white-bg wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div> <figure class="full-width-wrap"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/content_highlighted/public/2024-03/2023-June-Chai-and-Harvesting-Mint-with-Aziza-SMW-5web.jpeg?itok=WeNUhOfh" width="1032" height="688" alt="A teacher and a student mix loose leaf tea into a simmering pot" /> </div> <figcaption class="img-credit spacing-half-t spacing-3-b spacing-2-h text-right">Sarah Webb</figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="spacing-5-b col col-10-lg margin-auto wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="2.6s"> <h1> <div>309 Teachers Impacted</div> </h1> <div class="font-size-lg"> <p> <div>Throughout all of our farm to school professional learning in 2023, we worked with 309 teachers across Vermont, supporting their work in helping their students connect the dots of where their food comes from and the impacts of their choices on their bodies, and the community. Among them, 2024 Vermont Teacher of the Year Aziza Malik, who is using storytelling and food stories to build identity and community.</div> </p> </div> <div class="spacing-2-t spacing-4-b"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/honoring-identity-classroom-students-embrace-their-food-story" class="btn btn--white-cream "> Learn about Aziza&#039;s project</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div><div class="border-t-yellow-wheat" aria-hidden="true"></div></div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app"> <div class="container-mid padding-left-right-reset"> <h2 class="heading-brand-serif text-center spacing-2-b wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div>42 Team Members Participated &amp; 15,436 Students Impacted</div> </h2> </div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset video-img-block wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.7s"> <div class="iframe-embed-responsive-wrap iframe-embed-responsive-wrap--16-9"> <div><div class='embed-container'> <iframe src=";loop=0&amp;title=1&amp;byline=0&amp;color=0093cb&amp;portrait=0" width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text-center"></div> </div> </div></div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p>Our <a href="">Northeast Farm to School Institute</a> bring teams together to build skills, relationships, and a collaborative action plan for their schools, districts, and early childhood programs. With the support of a coach, teams spend the school year putting their plans into action and strengthening their capacity to impact classrooms, cafeterias, and communities with change that lasts.</p> <blockquote><p><em>"In the school setting, it's really hard to bring stakeholders together and really have the time and space to get in the mindset to do this work. The food and the workshops have been amazing experiences, but that dedicated team time to really dive into this work has been the most valuable piece" </em>–Educator Sam Bromley, Institute participant</p> </blockquote> </div> </div> </div> <div><div class="border-t-yellow-wheat" aria-hidden="true"></div></div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app"> <div class="container-mid padding-left-right-reset"> <h2 class="heading-brand-serif text-center spacing-2-b wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div>16 Farm to School Institutes Launched &amp; Planned</div> </h2> </div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset video-img-block wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.7s"> <div class="iframe-embed-responsive-wrap iframe-embed-responsive-wrap--16-9"> <div><div class='embed-container'> <iframe src=";loop=0&amp;title=1&amp;byline=0&amp;color=0093cb&amp;portrait=0" width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text-center"></div> </div> </div></div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p>Our <a href="">Farm to School Institute Adaptation Program</a> supports states in their efforts to adapt, develop, and launch their own Farm to School Institute programs. We focus on the core components that make our Institute model successful, while modifying aspects to fit participants' local context and goals. In 2023, states all across the country are launching, or planning to launch, their own programs to serve their unique communities. <strong><a href="">Among them is Connecticut, who shared their experience</a>.</strong></p> </div> </div> </div> <div><div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset spacing-3-v-app border-t-yellow-wheat"> <div class="white-bg wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div> <figure class="full-width-wrap"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/content_highlighted/public/2024-03/2023-May-Ag-Ed-Cohort-Gathering-Cedar-Circle-Farm-SMW-7web_1.jpg?itok=6khpXK7c" width="1032" height="688" alt="Farmers sit together working at picnic tables outdoors" /> </div> <figcaption class="img-credit spacing-half-t spacing-3-b spacing-2-h text-right">Sarah Webb</figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="spacing-5-b col col-10-lg margin-auto wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="2.6s"> <h1> <div>15 Farmers Mentored</div> </h1> <div class="font-size-lg"> <p> <div>Our first-ever Agricultural Educators Cohort is a peer-to-peer learning opportunity designed to support farmers who are interested in hosting field trips, and developing relationships with local classrooms. Each participating farmer is matched with a coach in their region to address a range of topics from on-farm visit safety and logistics to developing engaging and relevant educational activities.<br /> <br /> “I really enjoy coaching the farmers that I&#039;m partnering with because it&#039;s inspiring to see the work they&#039;re doing on their own land, but then also finding really interesting and educational ways to bring people onto the farm. And each farmer&#039;s doing it differently. It’s really inspiring to see the myriad of ways that they&#039;re sharing their way of life with so many Vermont kids and adults.” –Misse Axelrod, Vermont Farm and Forest School, Roxbury, VT</div> </p> </div> <div class="spacing-2-t spacing-4-b"> <a href="" class="btn btn--white-cream "> Learn more about the program</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div><div class="border-t-yellow-wheat" aria-hidden="true"></div></div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app"> <div class="container-mid padding-left-right-reset"> <h2 class="heading-brand-serif text-center spacing-2-b wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div>14 Early Childhood Teams Received Coaching</div> </h2> </div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset video-img-block wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.7s"> <div class="iframe-embed-responsive-wrap iframe-embed-responsive-wrap--16-9"> <div><div class='embed-container'> <iframe src=";loop=0&amp;title=1&amp;byline=0&amp;color=0093cb&amp;portrait=0" width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text-center"></div> </div> </div></div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p>We are connecting our earliest learners to where their food comes from through our Northeast Farm to School Institute and as a partner in state grant programs. We offer technical assistance, coaching, professional learning, and grant support.</p> <p>This includes supporting early childhood providers in their efforts to feed their children more local foods through Vermont's <a href="">Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Grant</a>, which helps early childhood education programs and after school programs access more Vermont-grown foods by subsidizing the cost of a share. </p> <p><em>"We've seen this grant jump start snack programs, nutrition education experiences for children and families, on-site garden exploration, and family food backpack programs. This incredible program helps stabilize both our farming and early childhood communities and works toward building more equitable food access and local food systems in Vermont."</em> –Cynthia Greene, Farm to Early Childhood Education Partnership Coordinator, Shelburne Farms</p> <p>We have a long partnership with early educator Laura Butler, <a href=""><strong>who is building relationships with her community and farmers</strong></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div><div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset spacing-3-v-app border-t-yellow-wheat"> <div class="white-bg wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div> <figure class="full-width-wrap"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/content_highlighted/public/2024-03/2023-May-DITC-Trip-to-Paul-Lin-Farm-SMW-47web.jpeg?itok=KOBZITvq" width="1032" height="688" alt="two students hold out their hand to gently greet a cow in pasture" /> </div> <figcaption class="img-credit spacing-half-t spacing-3-b spacing-2-h text-right">Sarah Webb</figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="spacing-5-b col col-10-lg margin-auto wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="2.6s"> <h1> <div>20 School / Dairy Farm Partnerships Developed</div> </h1> <div class="font-size-lg"> <p> <div>Vermont&#039;s Dairy in the Classroom program combines hands-on classroom curriculum with field trips to local dairy farms. Students develop an appreciation for the importance of farms, farmers, and animals in their everyday life.<br /> <br /> “So many kids today don’t have a connection to their food. To be able to show first hand where food comes from is a treat for us. We love to share what we do as dairy farmers, and we feel so lucky to be able to give kids the chance to pat a cow.”  –Farmer &amp; Owner Linda Stanley, Paul-Lin Dairy</div> </p> </div> <div class="spacing-2-t spacing-4-b"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/connecting-students-vermonts-dairy-farms" class="btn btn--white-cream "> We joined a field trip to Paul-Lin Dairy in Bakersfield</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div><div class="border-t-yellow-wheat" aria-hidden="true"></div></div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app"> <div class="container-mid padding-left-right-reset"> <h2 class="heading-brand-serif text-center spacing-2-b wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div>20 Teens Engaged in Statewide Food Systems Youth Summit</div> </h2> </div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset video-img-block wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.7s"> <div class="iframe-embed-responsive-wrap iframe-embed-responsive-wrap--16-9"> <div><div class='embed-container'> <iframe src=";loop=0&amp;title=1&amp;byline=0&amp;color=0093cb&amp;portrait=0" width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text-center"></div> </div> </div></div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p>Vermont high school students from Woodstock, Harwood Union, Leland &amp; Gray, Montpelier, North Country Union, and Pacem gathered at Knoll Farm for the first annual <strong><a href="">Youth F.E.A.S.T. Summit (Food Education and Sustainability/Systems Thinking)</a></strong>. The students self-organized and created a day of workshops and conversations for themselves and their fellow students passionate about food systems. They taught and attended workshops on microgreens, wildcrafting, advocating in the state house, cooking, and nutrition.</p> <p><em>“We often hear about an academic achievement gap in schools, but I think there has been a realization over the last several years that there is actually an </em>engagement<em> gap. We have to stop blaming young people for not being engaged and recognize the strategies that we can use as educators for learning to flourish. Co-creating programming and putting students in the position of decision-maker in their own education is one way toward this deeper learning schools are looking for.” </em>–Director of Professional Learning Jen Cirillo, who supported the students in this event</p> </div> </div> </div> <div><div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset spacing-3-v-app border-t-yellow-wheat"> <div class="white-bg wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div> <figure class="full-width-wrap"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/content_highlighted/public/2024-03/Barre_Celebration_4_0.jpeg?itok=2Yw9t0nU" width="1032" height="688" alt="District Manager of Food Programs Jennifer Hutchinson works with a student in the kitchen preparing for the day’s events." /> </div> <figcaption class="img-credit spacing-half-t spacing-3-b spacing-2-h text-right">Sarah Webb</figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="spacing-5-b col col-10-lg margin-auto wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="2.6s"> <h1> <div>83,000 Students Impacted by &#039;Farm-Fresh School Meals for All&#039; Campaign</div> </h1> <div class="font-size-lg"> <p> <div>We worked as part of a broad coalition to advocate for the permanent implementation of Universal School Meals in Vermont. On June 14, 2023, the bill was enacted, making breakfast and lunch permanently available at no charge in Vermont schools.<br /> <br /> Combined with the Vermont Farm to School &amp; Early Childhood Grants and the Local Foods Incentive Grants, Universal School Meals ensures every Vermont student has equitable access to nutritious local food and food education. </div> </p> </div> <div class="spacing-2-t spacing-4-b"> <a href="" class="btn btn--white-cream "> We gathered at Spaulding Education Alternatives School to celebrate</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div><a href="/about/staff-and-board/sarah-webb" hreflang="und">Sarah Webb</a></div> </div> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Education Impact</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> <div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/what-farm-school-green-teacher-podcast-digs" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=a8f_TDfA 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=-K-LD4xk 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=a8f_TDfA 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=-K-LD4xk 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=a8f_TDfA 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=a8f_TDfA" alt="A child plants a tomato seedling in an outdoor garden bed." /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>Justice</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>What is Farm to School? Green Teacher Podcast Digs In</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>All over the country, schools are transforming food systems education. Our professional learning team is featured on the podcast Talking with Green Teachers to discuss farm to school's impact.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/adapting-model-connecticuts-statewide-farm-school-institute" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-02/IMG_8260web_0.jpeg?h=d08f423e&amp;itok=LO5219tm 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2024-02/IMG_8260web_0.jpeg?h=d08f423e&amp;itok=qSUs9e8H 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-02/IMG_8260web_0.jpeg?h=d08f423e&amp;itok=LO5219tm 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2024-02/IMG_8260web_0.jpeg?h=d08f423e&amp;itok=qSUs9e8H 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-02/IMG_8260web_0.jpeg?h=d08f423e&amp;itok=LO5219tm 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2024-02/IMG_8260web_0.jpeg?h=d08f423e&amp;itok=LO5219tm" alt="Connecticut Farm to School Institute participants gather outdoors for a group photo" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Education Impact</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Adapting the Model: Connecticut’s Statewide Farm to School Institute</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>As part of the 2023–24 Farm to School Institute Adaptation cohort, Connecticut reflects on their experience launching their first statewide Institute.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/honoring-identity-classroom-students-embrace-their-food-story" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=Ru72t9VN 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=Ru72t9VN 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP" alt="A teacher holds the lid open of a simmer pot of chai as a student spoons in loose herbs and spices" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>Youth Voice</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Honoring Identity in the Classroom: Students Embrace Their Food Story</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>Vermont Teacher of the Year Aziza Malik explores how food, like storytelling, connects us all.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> </div> <div> <div>Featured</div> <div>Off</div> </div> <section> <h2 class="text-center spacing-2-b">Comments</h2> <article data-comment-user-id="0" id="comment-14892" class="js-comment blog-comment-block"> <mark class="hidden" data-comment-timestamp="1709935274"></mark> <footer> <article> </article> <p class="blog-comment-user-timestamp">Submitted by Giovanna Brunini on Fri , 03/8/2024 - 11:46 AM</p> </footer> <div> <div><p>Farm to School--just wonderful!! Thank you Shelburne Farms for your innovative programs and dedicated outreach to VT lives where it matters most----kids and education.</p> </div> <drupal-render-placeholder callback="comment.lazy_builders:renderLinks" arguments="0=14892&amp;1=default&amp;2=en&amp;3=" token="PRfKdKs3fQK-TlcWQrMc_3eKuG7Cn5hi_E7ZcIFAZBo"></drupal-render-placeholder> </div> </article> <h2 class="heading-title text-center">Add new comment</h2> <drupal-render-placeholder callback="comment.lazy_builders:renderForm" arguments="0=node&amp;1=3696&amp;2=field_comments&amp;3=comment" token="LFFbePhZDYpRfqkNJ2lQdK16TbPVMHeJbjVAPAVGyZ0"></drupal-render-placeholder> </section> <div>false</div> <div><time datetime="2024-03-01T12:00:00Z">March 1, 2024</time> </div> Fri, 01 Mar 2024 14:44:12 +0000 Sarah 3696 at Adapting the Model: Connecticut’s Statewide Farm to School Institute <span>Adapting the Model: Connecticut’s Statewide Farm to School Institute</span> <span><span>Sarah</span></span> <span>Wed, 02/14/2024 - 08:37</span> <div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p>Created in partnership with NOFA-VT, our Farm to School Institute is a proven professional learning model for creating lasting, whole-school change. Since 2015, our <a href="">Farm to School Institute Adaptation Program</a> supports farm to school leaders in bringing our model to their state and launch their own Institute programs, ensuring farm to school’s transformative benefits are realized in more communities across the country. </p> <p><strong>Here, Connecticut's 2023–24 adaptation team reflects on their experience adapting and launching their first statewide Institute:</strong></p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app"> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset video-img-block wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.7s"> <div class="iframe-embed-responsive-wrap iframe-embed-responsive-wrap--16-9"> <div><div class='embed-container'> <iframe src=";loop=0&amp;title=1&amp;byline=0&amp;color=0093cb&amp;portrait=0" width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text-center"></div> </div> </div></div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p><strong>How they got started:</strong> Connecticut school teams and coaches have been attending the <a href="">Northeast Farm to School Institute</a> since 2016, which provided their leadership familiarity with the Institute model and helped develop organizational capacity within their <a href="">own collaborative</a>. In 2022, Connecticut participated in the <a href="">Farm to School Institute Adaptation Program</a>.</p> <p><strong>Organizations involved:</strong> The <a href="">Connecticut Farm to School Collaborative</a>, <a href="">FoodCorps CT</a>, and <a href="">New Britain ROOTS</a> (fiscal sponsor) are the lead organizations of the Connecticut Farm to School Institute. Planning team members include a diverse team of food system leaders from non profits, school districts and procurement specialists.</p> <p><strong>Institute status:</strong> Connecticut launched their first year-long <a href="">Institute</a> in the summer of 2023, which started with an in-person retreat at the Yellow Farmhouse Education Center in Stonington. Three school teams were selected to participate: Cheshire Public Schools, Consolidated School District of New Britain, and Ponus STEAM Academy. Planning is underway for a 2024–25 Institute.</p> <p> </p> <h3><strong>Adaptations for Community Context</strong></h3> <p>We call it an <em>adaptation </em>and not a <em>replication</em> for a reason. For farm to school programs to thrive, they must be a reflection of and integrate within the community: the students, the school culture and priorities, the local food system, and community partners. There is no one-size-fits-all program to build robust, sustainable farm to school programs; the Farm to School Institute model supports schools in building their own capacity to define what meaningful change means for them.</p> <p>Here’s how Connecticut is adapting the Institute model, and the learning they’ve shared: </p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Diverse Voices Added to the Planning Process</strong></h4> <p>During the planning stages of Connecticut’s inaugural statewide Institute, the Collaborative “looked around the table and noticed that we all looked similar, and we needed to add some more diversity in our voices and experience to our team,” shares Lisa Lenskold, Co-Founder of Norwalk Grows and Project Director of the Connecticut Farm to School Institute.</p> <p>First, the Collaborative sought out an expert: Director of DEI at Naugatuck Public Schools, who urged the planning team to place equity at the heart of every aspect of the Institute. "Theresa made it abundantly clear that centering equity should not be viewed as a complex undertaking," Lisa explains. "Our unwavering commitment to equity led us to embrace and integrate it into our daily activities. We vowed to remain receptive to learning and adaptable to change, ensuring that these shifts became intrinsic to our work, rather than an isolated effort." This approach ensures that equity is not an afterthought, but the driving force behind the Institute. </p> <p>The planning group expanded with the addition of an advisory board, which brought more educators, school nutrition directors, urban farmers, and other community members to the table to offer insight into increasing accessibility to a wider range of schools and districts. </p> <p> </p> <p><figure role="group" class="align-center"><img alt="Connecticut Farm to School Institute participants gather outdoors for a group photo" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="9267f766-eade-43f0-b793-099467ec80dd" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/IMG_8260web.jpeg" width="1800" height="1350" loading="lazy" /><figcaption>The 2023–24 Connecticut Farm to School Institute. Photo courtesy Connecticut Farm to School Collaborative.</figcaption></figure><br /></p><h4><strong>Coaches Embedded in Community</strong></h4> <p>“We decided one of our key strategies was to add diversity and lived experiences to our coaching cohort,” explains Lisa, “We really wanted the coaches to have a connection to the school community.” The planning committee prioritized people who had a commitment to the community they would support over those who may have more formal experience with farm to school. “We looked for people that love their community. It’s really about being authentic and committed to making it happen.”</p> <p>“We had been sending the same coaches  [to the Northeast Farm to School Institute] year after year,” Lisa continues. “And we thought, <em>We have great people in our state, let’s give people that are flying under the radar an opportunity</em> .” The Institute kicked off with four brand new coaches, “and they are GREAT coaches,” Lisa beams.</p> <p>Once the coaches were on board, they had support from a Coach Liaison, Catherine Hallisey, from FoodCorps. The Coach Liaison took the lead in recruiting coaches, matching them with teams, and building those relationships, which they decided to start early on. </p> <p>“Throughout the years attending the Northeast Farm to School Institute, we noticed that oftentimes it was one team member who filled out the application for the program,” Lisa explains. “This was the same person who completed the farm to school rubric for the team — and not always with input from team members.” Connecticut opted to have the teams and their coaches meet together before the in-person retreat to think through the rubric and their values statement as a group, offering a shared understanding of the school’s baseline and a chance for the whole group. “This really benefited the teams and coaches,” Lisa continues. “They felt connected <em>before</em> the retreat so they were able to hit the ground running with their action plan right out of the gate. With only two days on site and commuting each day, this was a great way to maximize the time at the retreat.”</p> <p> </p> <h4><strong>Leveraging the Success of State Grants</strong></h4> <p>Recruiting teams for the year-long Institute experience is a big undertaking, and Connecticut was able to piggyback off the statewide <a href=""><em>Connecticut Grown for Connecticut Kids</em></a> farm to school grant program to find interested schools. “We leveraged the success of that grant by inviting recipients of that funding to participate in our Institute,” Lisa shares. “We were able to reach out to folks that had an interest in farm to school without having to market a new idea all across the state.” </p> <p>The grant applications also offered insights into the goals and aspirations of the teams, which were used to inform Institute programming. The planning team was able to create workshops that would directly support the team’s plans for what they wanted to build in the coming year.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>What’s Next for Connecticut? </strong>“We're going to forge ahead,” Lisa shares. “The work is important and we’re going to make it happen.”</p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app"> <div class="container-mid padding-left-right-reset"> <h2 class="heading-brand-serif text-center spacing-2-b wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div>See Connecticut&#039;s First Farm to School Institute</div> </h2> </div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset video-img-block wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.7s"> <div class="iframe-embed-responsive-wrap iframe-embed-responsive-wrap--16-9"> <div><iframe width="854" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" src=";rel=0&amp;start=0"></iframe> </div> </div> <div class="text-center"></div> </div> </div></div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app"> <div class="border-t-yellow-wheat spacing-3-t wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <h2 class="heading-section spacing-2-b"> <div>Learn More</div> </h2> <div class="col-11-mid col-10-lg margin-left-auto margin-right-auto"> <div class="row flex-sm"> <div class="col col-6-sm spacing-3-b-app"> <a href="" class="link-uppercase"> <span class="link-uppercase-text">Our Farm to School Work</span> <span class="link-uppercase-icon icon-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> </a> </div> <div class="col col-6-sm spacing-3-b-app"> <a href="" class="link-uppercase"> <span class="link-uppercase-text">Farm to School Institute Adaptation Program</span> <span class="link-uppercase-icon icon-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> </a> </div> <div class="col col-6-sm spacing-3-b-app"> <a href="" class="link-uppercase"> <span class="link-uppercase-text">Northeast Farm to School Institute</span> <span class="link-uppercase-icon icon-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div><a href="/about/staff-and-board/sarah-webb" hreflang="und">Sarah Webb</a></div> </div> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Education Impact</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> <div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/vermonts-farm-school-program-adapted-across-country" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-06/FoodSystems-04.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=aFaMuR74 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-06/FoodSystems-04.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=0PVW0dxs 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-06/FoodSystems-04.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=aFaMuR74 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-06/FoodSystems-04.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=0PVW0dxs 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-06/FoodSystems-04.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=aFaMuR74 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-06/FoodSystems-04.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=aFaMuR74" alt="Farm to School Institute participants cook together during a workshop" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>Education Impact</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Vermont’s Farm to School Program is Adapted Across the Country</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>We're expanding our farm to school professional learning program nationwide, hosting teams from Kansas, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Rhode Island.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/what-farm-school-green-teacher-podcast-digs" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=a8f_TDfA 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=-K-LD4xk 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=a8f_TDfA 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=-K-LD4xk 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=a8f_TDfA 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=a8f_TDfA" alt="A child plants a tomato seedling in an outdoor garden bed." /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>Justice</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>What is Farm to School? Green Teacher Podcast Digs In</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>All over the country, schools are transforming food systems education. Our professional learning team is featured on the podcast Talking with Green Teachers to discuss farm to school's impact.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/honoring-identity-classroom-students-embrace-their-food-story" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=Ru72t9VN 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=Ru72t9VN 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP" alt="A teacher holds the lid open of a simmer pot of chai as a student spoons in loose herbs and spices" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>Youth Voice</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Honoring Identity in the Classroom: Students Embrace Their Food Story</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>Vermont Teacher of the Year Aziza Malik explores how food, like storytelling, connects us all.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> </div> <div> <div>Featured</div> <div>Off</div> </div> <section> <h2 class="heading-title text-center">Add new comment</h2> <drupal-render-placeholder callback="comment.lazy_builders:renderForm" arguments="0=node&amp;1=3690&amp;2=field_comments&amp;3=comment" token="ExIEiMZ9Vajq2jFM_qWQ_PMibLsIE4lYL7rRUAJGIbw"></drupal-render-placeholder> </section> <div>false</div> Wed, 14 Feb 2024 13:37:23 +0000 Sarah 3690 at Sweet Potato Hummus <span>Sweet Potato Hummus</span> <span><span>Sarah</span></span> <span>Mon, 02/12/2024 - 12:22</span> <div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p>“Student engagement is always high with farm to school,” shares Charleston Elementary School Principal Christopher Lawson. “Kids are doing taste tests, planting in the greenhouse, cooking in the kitchen, and creating snacks for the school. And, they’re learning  transferable skills—collaboration and cooperation.”</p> <p>Connecting kids to how food is grown has always been part of the Shelburne Farms story. We partner with agencies and organizations across the state to reach more schools and support them in building connections among the 3Cs of farm to school—the classroom, cafeteria, and community—so all Vermont kids know where their food comes from.</p> <p> </p> <p><figure role="group"><img alt="Two images: a teacher uses a manual food processor to make sweet potato hummus. A large sheet of paper with food themed words written with bright colors." data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="9e9b5581-5b0a-40fa-8536-ba1bc8a7cadb" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/SwtPot_Hummus_1.png" width="1800" height="1200" loading="lazy" /><figcaption>Charleston Elementary staff explore food systems activities in a recent professional learning day with Shelburne Farms staff. Photos by Sarah Webb.</figcaption></figure></p><p> </p> <p>Our professional learning team recently headed to Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom to work alongside staff from Charleston Elementary School, a <a href="">Vermont Agency of Agriculture Farm to School grantee</a>. Along with <a href="">Green Mountain Farm-to-School</a>, we spent the day trying out food systems activities educators can bring into their classrooms, and brainstorming new ways to connect students to their neighboring farmers and producers.</p> <p>And, in true farm to school fashion, creating and sharing food was central to the day. Try out the Sweet Potato Hummus we whipped up together, a quick and delicious alternative to your typical chickpea spread:</p> <p> </p> <p><img alt="Sweet potato hummus ingredients in a manual food processor." data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="086dae67-1025-4bba-a097-1c955e387162" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/SwtPot_Hummus_2.png" width="1800" height="1200" loading="lazy" /></p> <p>  </p> <h3><strong>Sweet Potato Hummus</strong></h3> <p> </p> <h4>At-home scale, yields 1-2 cups</h4> <p><strong>Ingredients:</strong></p> <ul><li>1 medium sweet potato</li> <li>1½ Tbsp olive oil</li> <li>½  15-oz can of chickpeas, rinsed and drained</li> <li>1½ Tbsp tahini</li> <li>1 clove garlic, peeled</li> <li>Juice of ½ lemon</li> <li>¼ tsp cayenne</li> <li>¼ tsp smoked paprika</li> <li>⅛ tsp cumin</li> </ul><p><strong>Method:</strong></p> <ol><li>Preheat the oven to 400°F. Bake sweet potato in a baking dish for 45-60 minutes, until cooked through and tender.</li> <li>While the sweet potato cools, add other ingredients to a food processor. Once the sweet potato is cool enough to handle, remove skin and add flesh to other ingredients.</li> <li>Process until smooth, and serve. Hummus can be topped with a sprinkle of cayenne, if desired.</li> </ol><p> </p> <h4>School Nutrition Programs Scale, yields ~15 cups</h4> <p><strong>Ingredients:</strong></p> <ul><li>8 medium sweet potatoes</li> <li>¾ cup olive oil</li> <li>7 ½ cups chickpeas</li> <li>¾ cup tahini</li> <li>12 cloves garlic, peeled</li> <li>Juice of 4 lemons</li> <li>2 tsp cayenne</li> <li>2 tsp smoked paprika</li> <li>1 tsp cumin</li> </ul><p> Use the method above for this volume, too. <em> </em></p> <p> </p> <p><em>Recipe adapted by <a href="">Green Mountain Farm-to -School</a> from <a href="">Cookie and Kate</a>.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><figure role="group"><img alt="Charleston Elementary Farm to School team." data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="12cfccf3-d968-41ab-b7e9-c94b3295ef60" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/SwtPot_Hummus_3.png" width="1800" height="1200" loading="lazy" /><figcaption>Members of the Charleston Elementary farm to school team: principal Christopher Lawson, educator Elisabeth Thompson, educator Laurinda Maxwell, and Green Mountain Farm-to-School coach Elyse Perambo.</figcaption></figure></p><p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div><a href="/about/staff-and-board/sarah-webb" hreflang="und">Sarah Webb</a></div> </div> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>Recipes</div> </div> <div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/letting-go-recipe-hands-cooking-kids" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-14_0.jpg?h=c070fa3b&amp;itok=RtlmxEzi 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-14_0.jpg?h=c070fa3b&amp;itok=u4gxNL1f 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-14_0.jpg?h=c070fa3b&amp;itok=RtlmxEzi 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-14_0.jpg?h=c070fa3b&amp;itok=u4gxNL1f 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-14_0.jpg?h=c070fa3b&amp;itok=RtlmxEzi 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-14_0.jpg?h=c070fa3b&amp;itok=RtlmxEzi" alt="Two educators make butter by hand" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Early Childhood</div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>Recipes</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Letting Go of the Recipe: Hands-On Cooking with Kids</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>Try the "recipes" we cooked up during Cultivating Joy &amp; Wonder, our annual professional learning workshop for early childhood educators.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/confetti-corn-salad" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-07/2023-June-NEFTSI-Kickoff-Retreat-SMW-37.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=vngtu_-B 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-07/2023-June-NEFTSI-Kickoff-Retreat-SMW-37.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=fsNWltzH 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-07/2023-June-NEFTSI-Kickoff-Retreat-SMW-37.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=vngtu_-B 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-07/2023-June-NEFTSI-Kickoff-Retreat-SMW-37.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=fsNWltzH 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-07/2023-June-NEFTSI-Kickoff-Retreat-SMW-37.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=vngtu_-B 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-07/2023-June-NEFTSI-Kickoff-Retreat-SMW-37.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=vngtu_-B" alt="​ A serving bowl of Confetti Corn Salad on a buffet line." /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>Recipes</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Confetti Corn Salad</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>An easily adaptable summer salad to feature what's coming out of your home garden and looking especially delicious at the farmers’ market.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/honoring-identity-classroom-students-embrace-their-food-story" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=Ru72t9VN 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=Ru72t9VN 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=-N0NX-vP" alt="A teacher holds the lid open of a simmer pot of chai as a student spoons in loose herbs and spices" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>Youth Voice</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Honoring Identity in the Classroom: Students Embrace Their Food Story</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>Vermont Teacher of the Year Aziza Malik explores how food, like storytelling, connects us all.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> </div> <div> <div>Featured</div> <div>Off</div> </div> <section> <h2 class="heading-title text-center">Add new comment</h2> <drupal-render-placeholder callback="comment.lazy_builders:renderForm" arguments="0=node&amp;1=3685&amp;2=field_comments&amp;3=comment" token="vQ88sf7yVTJ3mSyv4NbGO7cbaDSrvACYXHbHTAXCy74"></drupal-render-placeholder> </section> <div>false</div> <div><time datetime="2024-02-14T12:00:00Z">February 14, 2024</time> </div> Mon, 12 Feb 2024 17:22:13 +0000 Sarah 3685 at The Power of Food to Connect Across Cultures <span>The Power of Food to Connect Across Cultures</span> <span><span>Sarah</span></span> <span>Wed, 11/08/2023 - 09:47</span> <div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><h3><em>The Janet Munt Family Room Supports Young Learners &amp; Families</em></h3> <p> </p> <h4>Momos &amp; Samosas!</h4> <p>On the day before the Family Supper, the bustling kitchen of the <a href="">Janet Munt Family Room</a> is filled with the enticing aroma of spices and freshly prepared dishes. Parents, community members, and staff work side by side, crafting traditional momos and samosas, while laughter, conversations, and storytelling in various languages create a vibrant atmosphere. The children, supervised and engaged by attentive staff, explore the gardens and participate in outdoor activities, as they share in the anticipation of the upcoming celebration. This year's preparations are extra special, as a local family has generously donated a goat to be shared and savored by all.</p> <p>As the day of the Family Supper arrives, excitement is in the air. Families gather at the picturesque <a href="">Ethan Allen Homestead</a>, laden with their homemade dishes, ready to share their culinary heritage with the community. A long, inviting food line forms, as everyone eagerly awaits the chance to sample the myriad of flavors from around the world. The festive atmosphere is amplified by the rhythmic sounds of live music, the sweet scent of freshly pressed cider, and the smiling faces of old friends and new acquaintances mingling together. As the evening unfolds, the party carries on into the night, a heartfelt testament to the power of food, culture, and community in bringing people together.</p> <p> </p> <p><figure role="group" class="align-center"><img alt="People line up at picnic tables, full of food to share" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="9aaba871-2898-47f7-8b73-b61881acbab5" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Food2.jpg" width="2000" height="1500" loading="lazy" /><figcaption>The community gathers for the Family Supper at Ethan Allen Homestead, a chance to sample the myriad of flavors from around the world. Photo courtesy Janet Munt Family Room.</figcaption></figure></p><p> </p> <h4>A Community Resource for All Ages</h4> <p>The Janet Munt Family Room is a parent-child center located in Burlington offering a range of services to families with young children, such as early care, playgroups, parent support and education, home visits, and community development.</p> <p>Many of the center's programs involve farm to early childhood activities, including the Family Play at the Gardens program, which provides care and activities for children, gardening support and workshops for adults, and access to shared or individual garden plots for the season. To ensure accessibility for all families, transportation and meals are also provided. These community garden programs provide families with control over their own food production, promoting food sovereignty and building strong networks of mutual support. English classes or tutors are also sometimes available, which enables families to learn gardening, food, and cooking vocabulary in a real-life context. This immersive approach can improve fluency and engagement in language learning.</p> <p>During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Family Room stepped up to support families in need by delivering locally sourced and gleaned food to over 150 families per week. This service has since transformed into an on-site pantry to increase food security within the community. It offers a wider range of produce and farm shares, including culturally relevant items like green amaranth, bitter melon, and African eggplant. The pantry offerings were informed by research conducted during the food box distribution, which identified items that were meaningful to New Americans and reminded them of home. These specialty vegetables are now grown by <a href="">Digger’s Mirth</a> and <a href="">Intervale Community Farm</a>.</p> <p>Through partnerships with <a href="">Feeding Chittenden</a>, the <a href="">Vermont Land Trust</a>, and the <a href="">Vermont Food Bank</a>, the Family Room has been able to provide families with a unique resource: a goat certificate that allows them to have a goat slaughtered in a culturally relevant way for religious or cultural festivals. These goats are raised at <a href="">Pine Island Community Farm</a> by a Bhutanese family who came to Vermont as refugees in 2009.</p> <p> </p> <p><figure role="group" class="align-center"><img alt="A child uses a cider press" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="70ddde70-5e71-4114-a005-5c9602c6eb3d" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Cider-press11.jpg" width="2000" height="1500" loading="lazy" /><figcaption>Outdoor activities keep everyone engaged during the Family Supper, including the opportunity to press apples for cider. Photo courtesy Janet Munt Family Room.</figcaption></figure></p><p> </p> <h4>The Secret Ingredient</h4> <p>The Janet Munt Family Room has a secret ingredient that makes its programs truly exceptional: a deep understanding of the importance of food in sustaining health, community, and culture. Through its farm to early childhood initiatives, the Family Room provides families with access to culturally relevant foods, which fosters a sense of belonging and helps to sustain the unique cultural practices of New American families. The Family Supper and other food-related events promote intercultural exchange and celebration, bringing families from all backgrounds together to share in the joy of food in a community where all can feel supported, valued, and empowered. By recognizing the power of food to connect people across cultures, the Family Room is building a stronger, more resilient community that authentically celebrates diversity and helps all families to thrive.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div><div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset spacing-3-v-app border-t-yellow-wheat"> <div class="red-brand-bg white-cream wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div> <figure class="full-width-wrap"> <div> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/styles/content_highlighted/public/2023-11/Mingling2.jpg?itok=pXYex_nk" width="1032" height="774" alt="families sit on picnic blankets at an outdoor fall event" /> </div> <figcaption class="img-credit spacing-half-t spacing-3-b spacing-2-h text-right">Janet Munt Family Room</figcaption> </figure> </div> <div class="spacing-5-b col col-10-lg margin-auto wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="2.6s"> <h1> <div>Take Your Next Step</div> </h1> <div class="font-size-lg"> <p> <div>Are you an early educator looking to connect your students with hands-on learning opportunities about food, farming, and nutrition? Visit the Vermont Farm to School &amp; Early Childhood Network&#039;s website to learn more!</div> </p> </div> <div class="spacing-2-t spacing-4-b"> <a href="" class="btn btn--white-cream "> Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p><em>The Association of State Public Health Nutritionists' Farm to ECE grantee programs are supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States (U.S.) Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as one of several projects funded by cooperative agreement number NU38OT000279 (total of $6,320,000). This resource was supported by ASPHN's Farm to ECE grantee program, which is funded by the Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity (DNPAO)/ National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP)/CDC/HHS. The contents of this resource are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by DNPAO/NCCDPHP/CDC/HHS, or the U.S. government.</em></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Early Childhood</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> <div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/sharing-love-food-foster-community" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=qc5x9zdv 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=6-n2_ybz 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=qc5x9zdv 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=6-n2_ybz 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=qc5x9zdv 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=qc5x9zdv" alt="A woman plants a squash plant with a group of young children" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Early Childhood</div> <div>Education Impact</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Sharing a Love of Food to Foster Community</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>Laura Butler's commitment to building community among her families and children is a central theme of her farm to early childhood program.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/growing-farm-early-childhood-programs" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/2018_september-harvest_festival-4665.jpg?h=b70bdd2e&amp;itok=FyRQyU9m 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/2018_september-harvest_festival-4665.jpg?h=b70bdd2e&amp;itok=i8Om8Bx- 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/2018_september-harvest_festival-4665.jpg?h=b70bdd2e&amp;itok=FyRQyU9m 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/2018_september-harvest_festival-4665.jpg?h=b70bdd2e&amp;itok=i8Om8Bx- 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/2018_september-harvest_festival-4665.jpg?h=b70bdd2e&amp;itok=FyRQyU9m 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/2018_september-harvest_festival-4665.jpg?h=b70bdd2e&amp;itok=FyRQyU9m" alt="" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>Early Childhood</div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Growing Farm to Early Childhood Programs</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>Educators Jed Norris and Cynthia Greene share about their work supporting educators in bringing food, health, and agriculture learning into early childhood classrooms.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/joy-lessons-butter-making" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-06/Sequence%2001.00_03_06_05.Still001.jpg?h=d1cb525d&amp;itok=tTeT6vwT 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-06/Sequence%2001.00_03_06_05.Still001.jpg?h=d1cb525d&amp;itok=sjEPZS94 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-06/Sequence%2001.00_03_06_05.Still001.jpg?h=d1cb525d&amp;itok=tTeT6vwT 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-06/Sequence%2001.00_03_06_05.Still001.jpg?h=d1cb525d&amp;itok=sjEPZS94 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-06/Sequence%2001.00_03_06_05.Still001.jpg?h=d1cb525d&amp;itok=tTeT6vwT 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-06/Sequence%2001.00_03_06_05.Still001.jpg?h=d1cb525d&amp;itok=tTeT6vwT" alt="A child smiles as she shakes a jar of cream to transform it into butter." /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Activities For Students</div> <div>Early Childhood</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>The Joy &amp; Lessons of Butter Making</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>June is National Dairy Month, and we’re sharing a new how-to video showing one of our favorite activities: making butter!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> </div> <div> <div>Featured</div> <div>Off</div> </div> <div>PEER Associates</div> <section> <h2 class="heading-title text-center">Add new comment</h2> <drupal-render-placeholder callback="comment.lazy_builders:renderForm" arguments="0=node&amp;1=3624&amp;2=field_comments&amp;3=comment" token="x3mU6Xt2VDT68OH7JNPlYgVW_1XLnMkCUrPW8Vx8LTM"></drupal-render-placeholder> </section> <div>false</div> <div><time datetime="2023-11-08T12:00:00Z">November 8, 2023</time> </div> Wed, 08 Nov 2023 14:47:40 +0000 Sarah 3624 at Honoring Identity in the Classroom: Students Embrace Their Food Story <span>Honoring Identity in the Classroom: Students Embrace Their Food Story</span> <span><span>Sarah</span></span> <span>Mon, 10/16/2023 - 15:54</span> <div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app content-block-wrap"> <div class="list-img-block list-img-block--border wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div class="list-img-each list-img-each--border spacing-4-v-app"> <div class="list-img-row row flex-sm flex-no-wrap"> <div class="col flex-shrink-0"> <div class="list-img-wrap list-img-wrap--lg"> </div> </div> <div class="col flex-1"> <div> <div class="flex heading-uppercase"> </div> <h3 class="list-img-title heading-brand-serif"></h3> <div class="font-regular spacing-t spacing-b list-img-body"> <div><p><em>As a partner of the <a href="">Northeast Farm to School Collaborative</a>, we took part in a regional effort to look at the popular <a href="">Harvest of the Month</a> educator resources and ask, “How can we adapt our materials to be more representative of our communities?” First, we looked for the people that have already made successful adaptations. Watch Champlain Elementary Educator Aziza Malik’s story of a classroom project centered on affirming everyone’s food stories. <a href="">Learn more about the Collaborative’s project</a>.</em></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div><div class="border-t-yellow-wheat" aria-hidden="true"></div></div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> </div> </div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app"> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset video-img-block wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.7s"> <div class="iframe-embed-responsive-wrap iframe-embed-responsive-wrap--16-9"> <div><div class='embed-container'> <iframe src=";loop=0&amp;title=1&amp;byline=0&amp;color=0093cb&amp;portrait=0" width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text-center"></div> </div> </div></div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p><em>Video by Sarah Webb</em></p> <p>Food—growing it, cooking it, and sharing it—can be a powerful connecting force within schools. “We can do lots of different projects around food systems,” shares Champlain Elementary School (Burlington, VT) fifth grade teacher Aziza Malik. “We can do science experiments through it, we can learn about fractions through cooking, we can write poetry about what we're eating, or more technically, recipes. It's pretty hard to find something that can do all that.”</p> <p>But whose food is represented in this learning? Whose food is excluded?</p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset spacing-3-t-app heading-container-rich-text"> <h2 class="heading-brand-serif heading-rich-text wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div>A Cup of Chai &amp; A Magical Moment</div> </h2> </div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p>Champlain Elementary holds an annual Olympics, when each classroom represents a country and participates in school-wide events. One year, Aziza’s classroom just so happened to be assigned to India, her father’s home country. “So we started doing all these Indian cooking activities,” Aziza explains, “And, of course, my family’s number one activity is drinking chai.” </p> <p>Aziza brought in her family’s chai recipe and all the ingredients to make a big batch for the classroom. She poured warm, sweet mugfuls of tea and passed them out to students. A squeal of joy erupted, <em>This is my tea! </em>Aziza discovered one of her students, a New American from Africa, also drank chai with his family. </p> <p>“The next day he came in with his little bags of black Lipton tea, and asked, <em>Can we make it again?</em>” Aziza laughs. “And it was just the sweetest, most wonderful thing. There was just that connection and feeling of home. That representation is just everything. I want to create more moments like that, where we're creating those connections.”</p> <p>As Aziza continued to weave food systems into her curriculum, she found the farm to school resources available were often missing a crucial element: the student experience, and the many complicated ways we all connect to the food that nourishes us.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="container-mid padding-left-right-reset spacing-3-v-app container-slide-single"> <div class="splide splide-slider-single js-splide-slider-single wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div class="splide__track"> <ul class="splide__list"> <li class="splide__slide"> <figure> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-10/2022%20November%20Workshop%20at%20Champlain%20Elementary-2.jpg?itok=-QPUKBe5 1x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-10/2022%20November%20Workshop%20at%20Champlain%20Elementary-2.jpg?itok=h21jegci 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-10/2022%20November%20Workshop%20at%20Champlain%20Elementary-2.jpg?itok=-QPUKBe5 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider/public/2023-10/2022%20November%20Workshop%20at%20Champlain%20Elementary-2.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=A2Q3dGrY 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img image_alt="A group of students and teachers gather for a group photo in a classroom." src="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-10/2022%20November%20Workshop%20at%20Champlain%20Elementary-2.jpg?itok=h21jegci" alt="" /> </picture> <figcaption class="splide-caption-block text-center"> <div class="img-credit text-right">Sarah Webb</div> <p class="font-size-sm font-regular"><p>The students gather for a group photo with Ferene Paris Meyer.</p> </p> </figcaption> </figure> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <figure> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5_0.jpg?itok=TTQR6t5u 1x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5_0.jpg?itok=xCY1xw-A 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5_0.jpg?itok=TTQR6t5u 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5_0.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=OmIkRex4 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img image_alt="A teacher holds the lid open of a simmer pot of chai as a student spoons in loose herbs and spices" src="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-5_0.jpg?itok=xCY1xw-A" alt="" /> </picture> <figcaption class="splide-caption-block text-center"> <div class="img-credit text-right">Sarah Webb</div> <p class="font-size-sm font-regular"><p>Aziza and her students make chai in the classroom.</p> </p> </figcaption> </figure> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <figure> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-9.jpg?itok=SMNckCSj 1x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-9.jpg?itok=ZlUOH0T7 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-9.jpg?itok=SMNckCSj 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-9.jpg?h=44b879e5&amp;itok=xfSRn4gL 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img image_alt="A teacher and students sit at a picnic table on the school grounds, pulling peppermint leaves from stalks." src="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-10/2023%20June%20Chai%20and%20Harvesting%20Mint%20with%20Aziza%20SMW-9.jpg?itok=ZlUOH0T7" alt="" /> </picture> <figcaption class="splide-caption-block text-center"> <div class="img-credit text-right">Sarah Webb</div> <p class="font-size-sm font-regular"><p>Aziza and students harvest peppermint from the school garden.</p> </p> </figcaption> </figure> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset spacing-3-t-app heading-container-rich-text"> <h2 class="heading-brand-serif heading-rich-text wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div>What’s Your Food Story?</div> </h2> </div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p>It’s important for students to learn about healthy, local foods, and so is discovering their authentic food experiences and traditions — regardless of the ingredient list. Aziza collaborated with <a href="">Ferene Paris Meyer</a>, a local storyteller and educator, to bring the tools of creating authentic personal narratives into the food systems learning happening in her classroom. </p> <p>“Ferene started getting the students thinking about all these different ways that food is in our lives,” Aziza remembers. The storytelling workshops culminated in a student storytelling circle, where they presented their stories to one another, family, and friends. “And there was no judgment about the food whatsoever,” Aziza shares. “They could talk about anything at all. It could be about mac and cheese—a lot of people talked about candy—and just the stories that came out were really incredible. Real, deep emotional stories.”</p> <p>Everyone eats, and food, like storytelling, connects us all. It’s these shared experiences that make for lasting, meaningful learning for students and adults alike. “[Ferene] taught us how to combine food stories with our identity,” a student shared as he began the storytelling circle. “She taught us about why storytelling is important. It encourages you to slow down and be in the moment. Live with purpose and live out loud. Take ownership of your own narrative. And it reminds grown ups that kids have important things to say, too. Most importantly, she taught us we all have stories worthy of telling. So what’s yours?”</p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset spacing-3-t-app heading-container-rich-text"> <h2 class="heading-brand-serif heading-rich-text wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div>Listen to Some of Aziza&#039;s Students:</div> </h2> </div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p><iframe frameborder="no" height="450" src=";color=%23da291c&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;show_teaser=true" width="100%"></iframe></p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app content-block-wrap"> <div class="list-img-block list-img-block--border wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div class="list-img-each list-img-each--border spacing-4-v-app"> <div class="list-img-row row flex-sm flex-no-wrap"> <div class="col flex-shrink-0"> <div class="list-img-wrap list-img-wrap--lg"> </div> </div> <div class="col flex-1"> <div> <div class="flex heading-uppercase"> </div> <h3 class="list-img-title heading-brand-serif"></h3> <div class="font-regular spacing-t spacing-b list-img-body"> <div><p><em>Aziza Malik is a fourth grade teacher at Champlain Elementary School in Burlington, Vermont and the <a href="">2023 Vermont Teacher of the Year</a>. She is a graduate of the Leadership for Sustainability program at UVM where her work examined the connection of Burlington School District to the local Indigenous population, the Abenaki. She is also an alumna of <a href="">Shelburne Farms’ Education for Sustainability Leadership Academy</a> and continues to work to create policies, practices, and curriculum that are more inclusive of Burlington’s diverse community.</em></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div><a href="/about/staff-and-board/sarah-webb" hreflang="und">Sarah Webb</a></div> </div> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>Youth Voice</div> </div> <div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/celebrating-our-roots-amplifying-who-we-are" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/girlwithpotato-cropped.jpg?h=f63a3302&amp;itok=UVUOvCo8 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/girlwithpotato-cropped.jpg?h=f63a3302&amp;itok=lcJjr05s 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/girlwithpotato-cropped.jpg?h=f63a3302&amp;itok=UVUOvCo8 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/girlwithpotato-cropped.jpg?h=f63a3302&amp;itok=lcJjr05s 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/girlwithpotato-cropped.jpg?h=f63a3302&amp;itok=UVUOvCo8 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/girlwithpotato-cropped.jpg?h=f63a3302&amp;itok=UVUOvCo8" alt="" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>For Educators</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Celebrating Our Roots: Amplifying Who We Are</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>4th grade teacher Aziza Malik, one of our teacher alumni, organized a collaborative recipe book project to include and reflect her school's diverse community.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/strengthening-farm-school-community-partnerships-youth-voice" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/nyt_2019_1.jpg?h=a1e1a043&amp;itok=eMcQcrQL 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/nyt_2019_1.jpg?h=a1e1a043&amp;itok=v_L8f1x6 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/nyt_2019_1.jpg?h=a1e1a043&amp;itok=eMcQcrQL 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/nyt_2019_1.jpg?h=a1e1a043&amp;itok=v_L8f1x6 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/nyt_2019_1.jpg?h=a1e1a043&amp;itok=eMcQcrQL 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/nyt_2019_1.jpg?h=a1e1a043&amp;itok=eMcQcrQL" alt="" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Youth Voice</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Strengthening Farm to School with Community Partnerships &amp; Youth Voice</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>What really matters when it comes to youth voice and Farm to School? We spoke with a NYC 2020 Farm to School Institute team to find out what has proven successful for them.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/what-farm-school-green-teacher-podcast-digs" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=a8f_TDfA 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=-K-LD4xk 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=a8f_TDfA 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=-K-LD4xk 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=a8f_TDfA 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/children-and-nature-6720x4480-33blog.jpg?h=4362216e&amp;itok=a8f_TDfA" alt="A child plants a tomato seedling in an outdoor garden bed." /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>Justice</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>What is Farm to School? Green Teacher Podcast Digs In</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>All over the country, schools are transforming food systems education. Our professional learning team is featured on the podcast Talking with Green Teachers to discuss farm to school's impact.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> </div> <div> <div>Featured</div> <div>Off</div> </div> <section> <h2 class="heading-title text-center">Add new comment</h2> <drupal-render-placeholder callback="comment.lazy_builders:renderForm" arguments="0=node&amp;1=3607&amp;2=field_comments&amp;3=comment" token="dc79qBpjjtNHcMxQ1FzMYzIz4zLmmnTLrvJ1lz12MME"></drupal-render-placeholder> </section> <div>false</div> <div><time datetime="2023-10-25T12:00:00Z">October 25, 2023</time> </div> <div>Off</div> Mon, 16 Oct 2023 19:54:55 +0000 Sarah 3607 at Letting Go of the Recipe: Hands-On Cooking with Kids <span>Letting Go of the Recipe: Hands-On Cooking with Kids</span> <span><span>Sarah</span></span> <span>Mon, 08/14/2023 - 08:35</span> <div> <div> <div class="spacing-3-v-app"> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset video-img-block wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.7s"> <div class="iframe-embed-responsive-wrap iframe-embed-responsive-wrap--16-9"> <div><div class='embed-container'> <iframe src=";loop=0&amp;title=1&amp;byline=0&amp;color=0093cb&amp;portrait=0" width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> </iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div class="text-center"></div> </div> </div></div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><p><em>Video by Andrea Estey</em></p> <p>For kids, cooking is all about the senses: feeling the sticky squish of dough between their fingers, sniffing the sweet aroma of fresh-torn basil leaf, or keeping an ear out for the gloopy sounds that signal cream is solidifying to butter. </p> <p>Precise measurements, times, and temperatures… not quite as exciting. If you’re cooking with a classroom (or home kitchen) full of young kids, it’s best to have a flexible recipe that’s up for some twists and turns.</p> <p>And those are just the kind of “recipes” educators Hannah Corbin and Jed Norris shared with participants in <a href="">Cultivating Joy &amp; Wonder</a>, our annual professional learning workshop for early childhood educators. On a rainy summer day in the Market Garden, the group harvested what was ripe in the fields and hoop houses, and, along with some basic pantry items and camp cooking equipment, they had all they needed to make a feast.</p> <p>“Kids are so much more open to trying new foods if they see how it is made,” shares Oklahoma-based kindergarten teacher and 2023 workshop participant Jo Anna Perdue. </p> <p><figure role="group" class="align-center"><img alt="A series of four photos of kids cooking in the classroom and composting outdoors." data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="f1176820-09be-49ed-aa18-b3ae03c3cea3" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Perdue_Photos.png" width="1000" height="400" loading="lazy" /><figcaption><em>Back in Oklahoma, Jo Anna Perdue's students learn about the full food cycle as they cook in the classroom during "Foodie Fridays" and tend to the school compost program. Photos by Jo Anna Perdue.</em></figcaption></figure></p><p>“When you’re cooking with kids, especially younger kids, the goal isn’t to create elaborate dishes,” shares Educator Jed Norris. “It’s more about encouraging them to have fun eating vegetables—chopping, grating, smushing, charring—using cooking as an opportunity to experiment, and giving them a chance to be brave and safely try new things.”</p> <p> </p> <hr /><h2><strong>Not Exactly Recipes</strong></h2> <p>Consider these good starting points—use what you have in your kitchen and garden, make substitutions, and use your senses the whole way through (and a little tasting as you go never hurts).</p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="container-mid padding-left-right-reset spacing-3-v-app container-slide-single"> <div class="splide splide-slider-single js-splide-slider-single wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div class="splide__track"> <ul class="splide__list"> <li class="splide__slide"> <figure> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-15.jpg?itok=EHiapzm1 1x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-15.jpg?itok=hYKMHyvJ 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-15.jpg?itok=EHiapzm1 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-15.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=A4wtbWHA 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img image_alt="An educator cooks zucchini fritters on a camping stove." src="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-15.jpg?itok=hYKMHyvJ" alt="" /> </picture> <figcaption class="splide-caption-block text-center"> <div class="img-credit text-right">Sarah Webb</div> <p class="font-size-sm font-regular"><p>Program participant Joy Emone (Nigeria) cooks up the zucchini fritters until golden brown.</p> </p> </figcaption> </figure> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <figure> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-28.jpg?itok=2Q-iRu5C 1x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-28.jpg?itok=TGo_-Tho 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-28.jpg?itok=2Q-iRu5C 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-28.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=v94FeUf9 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img image_alt="zucchini fritters" src="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-28.jpg?itok=TGo_-Tho" alt="" /> </picture> <figcaption class="splide-caption-block text-center"> <div class="img-credit text-right">Sarah Webb</div> <p class="font-size-sm font-regular"><p>The final product, served up to fellow Cultivating Joy &amp; Wonder participants.</p> </p> </figcaption> </figure> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <figure> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-14.jpg?itok=LCmZY5mx 1x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-14.jpg?itok=EUpozj8k 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-14.jpg?itok=LCmZY5mx 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-14.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=JzDusbHA 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img image_alt="Two educators make butter by hand" src="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-14.jpg?itok=EUpozj8k" alt="" /> </picture> <figcaption class="splide-caption-block text-center"> <div class="img-credit text-right">Sarah Webb</div> <p class="font-size-sm font-regular"><p>Program participants Jo Anna Perdue (Oklahoma) and Peju Okungbowa (Nigeria) make butter by hand — a favorite early childhood activity for connecting kids to where their food comes from.</p> </p> </figcaption> </figure> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><h3><strong>Zucchini Fritters</strong></h3> <p><strong>Ingredients</strong></p> <ul> <li>3-4 medium zucchinis </li> <li>1 egg</li> <li>¼ to ½ cup of flour</li> <li>1 Tbsp cornstarch </li> <li>Salt and pepper to taste</li> <li>Sliced herbs of your choice</li> <li>Olive oil as needed</li> </ul> <p><strong>Method</strong></p> <ol> <li>Shred the zucchini, and add in the egg, flour, cornstarch, salt, pepper, and herbs.</li> <li>Once the ingredients are well mixed, form the mixture into patties. You can add olive oil to the mixture or use your hands to make shaping the patties easier.</li> <li>Heat up more oil in a skillet. Once hot, drop the patties into the pan and fry until golden brown on both sides.</li> </ol> <p> </p> <p><strong>How the educators adapted: </strong>They added scallions to the fritter mix and whipped up an herby pesto dip for dunking. Some sautéed squash blossoms were added for good measure.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="container-mid padding-left-right-reset spacing-3-v-app container-slide-single"> <div class="splide splide-slider-single js-splide-slider-single wow fade-in-up" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="0.9s"> <div class="splide__track"> <ul class="splide__list"> <li class="splide__slide"> <figure> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-35.jpg?itok=gWw-thZK 1x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-35.jpg?itok=mDK9qGpP 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-35.jpg?itok=gWw-thZK 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-35.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=WW9fgYWX 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img image_alt="participants hold up their dish, Eggplant Tapenade over Flatbread" src="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-35.jpg?itok=mDK9qGpP" alt="" /> </picture> <figcaption class="splide-caption-block text-center"> <div class="img-credit text-right">Sarah Webb</div> <p class="font-size-sm font-regular"><p>Participants Sam Lyons (Vermont) and MariaSole Kaine (Connecticut) show their culinary creation with ingredients fresh from the field: Eggplant Tapenade over Flatbread.</p> </p> </figcaption> </figure> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <figure> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-21.jpg?itok=i13dWhI1 1x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-21.jpg?itok=3VxM5dNx 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-21.jpg?itok=i13dWhI1 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-21.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=Tdij9LhN 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img image_alt="Eggplant tapenade, berry flatbreads, and popcorn cook over a campfire" src="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-21.jpg?itok=3VxM5dNx" alt="" /> </picture> <figcaption class="splide-caption-block text-center"> <div class="img-credit text-right">Sarah Webb</div> <p class="font-size-sm font-regular"><p>The group cooked over the campfire. Here, eggplant tapenade, berry flatbreads, and popcorn are being prepared to share with everyone.</p> </p> </figcaption> </figure> </li> <li class="splide__slide"> <figure> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-33.jpg?itok=t7vwxKxy 1x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-33.jpg?itok=KRBPBVS8 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_2x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-33.jpg?itok=t7vwxKxy 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/slider/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-33.jpg?h=06ac0d8c&amp;itok=uSaQGvLi 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img image_alt="Eggplant Tapenade over Flatbread" src="/sites/default/files/styles/slider_medium_1x/public/2023-08/2023%20July%20CJW%20Cooking%20in%20Market%20Garden%20SMW-33.jpg?itok=KRBPBVS8" alt="" /> </picture> <figcaption class="splide-caption-block text-center"> <div class="img-credit text-right">Sarah Webb</div> <p class="font-size-sm font-regular"><p>The final product, served up to fellow Cultivating Joy &amp; Wonder participants.</p> </p> </figcaption> </figure> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div><h3><strong>Flatbread</strong> </h3> <p>(adapted from a recipe by <a href="">Buddy Oliver</a>)</p> <p><strong>Ingredients</strong></p> <ul> <li>1 cup self-rising flour (make by mixing 1 cup of all-purpose flour with 2 teaspoons baking powder), plus extra flour for dusting</li> <li>Several pinches of salt (or to taste)</li> <li>4 Tbsp Greek yogurt</li> </ul> <p><strong>Method</strong></p> <ol> <li>Pour the flour into a bowl, make a well in the middle, then add the yogurt and several pinches of salt. Use clean hands to mix it together, until you have a dough. </li> <li>Wash and dry your hands, then dust your work surface and hands with flour. Split the dough into equal pieces. Stretch each piece of dough with your hands or roll it out with a rolling pin to about ¼ inch thick.</li> <li>Put a large nonstick frying pan on medium-high heat.</li> <li>Once the pan is hot, carefully add the dough pieces to the dry pan and cook for 2 or 3 minutes, or until golden and puffed up. Use tongs to turn the flatbreads over, and cook for the same time on the other side.</li> </ol> <p>  </p> <p><strong>How the educators adapted: </strong>They created a fire-roasted eggplant tapenade for smearing over the top. Chopped eggplant was wrapped in tinfoil and stuck in the campfire embers to roast. The eggplant was then mixed with garlic, herbs, shallot, onion, and tomato and cooked down in a cast iron pan over the fire. The tapenade was spread over the flatbreads, and sprinkled with edible flowers and chopped basil and drizzled with olive oil.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div><a href="/about/staff-and-board/sarah-webb" hreflang="und">Sarah Webb</a></div> </div> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Early Childhood</div> <div>Farm to School</div> <div>Recipes</div> </div> <div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/sharing-love-food-foster-community" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=qc5x9zdv 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=6-n2_ybz 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=qc5x9zdv 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=6-n2_ybz 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=qc5x9zdv 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/2023-08/2023-June-Laura-Butler-FTEC-Gardening-SMW-6_0.jpg?h=99d606c9&amp;itok=qc5x9zdv" alt="A woman plants a squash plant with a group of young children" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Early Childhood</div> <div>Education Impact</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Sharing a Love of Food to Foster Community</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>Laura Butler's commitment to building community among her families and children is a central theme of her farm to early childhood program.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/growing-farm-early-childhood-programs" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/2018_september-harvest_festival-4665.jpg?h=b70bdd2e&amp;itok=FyRQyU9m 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/2018_september-harvest_festival-4665.jpg?h=b70bdd2e&amp;itok=i8Om8Bx- 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/2018_september-harvest_festival-4665.jpg?h=b70bdd2e&amp;itok=FyRQyU9m 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/2018_september-harvest_festival-4665.jpg?h=b70bdd2e&amp;itok=i8Om8Bx- 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/jpeg"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/2018_september-harvest_festival-4665.jpg?h=b70bdd2e&amp;itok=FyRQyU9m 1x" type="image/jpeg"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/2018_september-harvest_festival-4665.jpg?h=b70bdd2e&amp;itok=FyRQyU9m" alt="" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>Early Childhood</div> <div>For Educators</div> <div>Farm to School</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Growing Farm to Early Childhood Programs</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>Educators Jed Norris and Cynthia Greene share about their work supporting educators in bringing food, health, and agriculture learning into early childhood classrooms.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> <div> <div class="node-blog-teaser"> <a href="/about/news-and-stories/compost-cake-project-seasons-activity" class="card"> <figure class="card-img-wrap"> <div> <picture> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/cover.png?h=a61a6d8d&amp;itok=zPFvrgyD 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/cover.png?h=a61a6d8d&amp;itok=PyB8bPBy 2x" media="(min-width: 1440px)" type="image/png"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/cover.png?h=a61a6d8d&amp;itok=zPFvrgyD 1x, /sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card_2x/public/photos/blog/cover.png?h=a61a6d8d&amp;itok=PyB8bPBy 2x" media="(min-width: 940px)" type="image/png"/> <source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/cover.png?h=a61a6d8d&amp;itok=zPFvrgyD 1x" type="image/png"/> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/blog_teaser_card/public/photos/blog/cover.png?h=a61a6d8d&amp;itok=zPFvrgyD" alt="" /> </picture> </div> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="heading-uppercase card-tag-wrap spacing-2-t"> <div> <div>Activities For Students</div> <div>Family Activities</div> <div>For Educators</div> </div> </div> <h3 class="card-title heading-title"> <span>Compost Cake - A Project Seasons Activity</span> </h3> <div class="font-size-sm spacing-b card-body-wrap"> <div> <div class="container-mid-lg padding-left-right-reset content-rich-text spacing-3-v-app wow fade-in" data-wow-offset="70" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <p>We're sharing this favorite activty from our publication, Project Seasons, to dive deeper into the fascinating topic of compost!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div></div> </div> <div> <div>Featured</div> <div>Off</div> </div> <section> <h2 class="heading-title text-center">Add new comment</h2> <drupal-render-placeholder callback="comment.lazy_builders:renderForm" arguments="0=node&amp;1=3545&amp;2=field_comments&amp;3=comment" token="4itio0SX5sAhzJcpiVuLyREXn5JrYGy5q8e5Rg4r3ok"></drupal-render-placeholder> </section> <div>false</div> <div><time datetime="2023-08-14T12:00:00Z">August 14, 2023</time> </div> Mon, 14 Aug 2023 12:35:17 +0000 Sarah 3545 at