"I think everybody should go out into their communities and look for that sugarhouse steam, then stop in. Sugar makers are super friendly and super hardworking, so be respectful, but definitely go taste test. It's the best."
Ongoing work is focusing on the Coach Barn's historic fabric. Through the reconstruction and renovation of the 125-year-old barn, we keep asking: How can we honor a building’s past while adapting it for the future?
The transformation of the Coach Barn has begun! Find out what major work has been occurring since August to renew the building as a space for gathering and learning.
Shelburne Farms' third Save America's Treasures grant will allow us to restore the Farm Barn courtyard walls next spring.
Shelburne Farms is conserving this critical farm and forest land that lies within the boundaries of our campus.
Meet the skilled professionals whose work this season (and for years), helps maintain and conserve the Inn's historic character.
Discover this special corner of the Children's Farmyard Garden planted by our partners from Gedakina.
The historic Coach Barn will soon be undergoing a transformation to make it an even more inspirational place for gathering and learning. See what's in store.
Our woodlands are more than a beautiful backdrop. They are part of an unparalleled classroom for learning.
Explore the mystery of the "Lone Tree" and other stories of the tallest point on Shelburne Farms.