Campus & Buildings

The Man Behind the Memorial

Posted by Holly Brough
Director of Communications


Derick Webb in the administrative office in the Farm Barn, circa 1940.


Derick Vanderbilt Webb (1913-1984), the grandson of Seward and Lila Webb, became Farm Manager of Shelburne Farms in 1938, at the age of 25, and inherited the main portion of the agricultural estate in 1956.

Derick’s interests were always agricultural. After studies at Cornell Agricultural School, he worked tirelessly to enhance and diversify the farm by building up beef cattle, sheep, hog, dairy, and crop operations. He pioneered innovative agricultural technologies and practices, including developing self-propelled hay mowing equipment and producing grass silage. Most enduringly, in the early 1950s, he established the herd of Brown Swiss Cows that continues to this day, and that now produces the milk for our farmstead cheddar.


Throughout the 1950s and early 1960s, Derick hosted Brown Swiss cow sales and shows at the Farm, and attended events elsewhere. Above: Derick and his first wife, Elizabeth, with one of their award-winning Brown Swiss cows at the Champlain Valley Fair. Shelburne Farms 4-H students continue to show Brown Swiss cows at the Fair today, cows descended from the very herd that Derick built.

In 1972, Derick's children founded Shelburne Farms Resources, a nonprofit organization with an environmental education mission. While quietly questioning the long-term pragmatism of his children's endeavors, Derick was receptive and responsive to their educational vision. He allowed the organization to use the property for camps and programs, then donated the Farm Barn, Coach Barn, and Shelburne House (later the Inn at Shelburne Farms) to the nonprofit in 1976. 

Meanwhile, despite Derick’s efforts to jump start farm operations, the scale of the estate became an increasing financial burden. In 1976, he sold 104 acres on the farm’s eastern edge to the Nature Conservancy, and gifted that organization an additional 103 acres just south of the first parcel. These lands now form the Town of Shelburne Bay Park and the Nature Conservancy’s LaPlatte River Nature Preserve.


Derick Webb with his son Alec Webb in 1982. Alec is the current president of the nonprofit Shelburne Farms, which owns the 1,400-acre campus and buildings.

When he died unexpectedly in 1984, Derick bequeathed the land and assets of Shelburne Farms not to his family, but to the educational nonprofit. It was an amazing and unexpected gift.  The nonprofit had the big idea of using the Farm as an educational and community resource, but less than $6,500 cash to its name.  In addition to significantly boosting regional land conservation efforts*, Derick’s bequest made so much possible: additional facilities for expanding programs, new opportunities to share this place, and new sources of support.  

The gift was also an enormous responsibility that came with no endowment. The board and staff had the challenge of developing programs and stewarding 1,000 acres of working farmland and massive buildings benignly neglected for decades.

That’s where members like you stepped up -- and continue to. Every single day. With every membership gift, you show the same trust in the vision of Shelburne Farms that Derick did. We are deeply grateful. 



The Lone Tree Hill Memorial

*In addition to Derick’s early collaboration with The Nature Conservancy, Shelburne Farms has had a long partnership with the Vermont Land Trust, which holds conservation easements on a significant portion of the Farm’s 1,400 acres. Today, 24,000 acres of farm and forest land are lost to development each year across New England, highlighting the value of Derick’s and the Farm’s foresight.


Submitted by Stan Kirschner on Wed , 11/27/2019 - 01:38 PM

A Great man with a Vision.

Submitted by Bill Fraser Harris on Wed , 11/27/2019 - 01:39 PM

Thank you Derick. Your legacy lives on in good hands. Thank you to all those who have in the past and continue to shepherd this tremendous local community resource into the future

Submitted by Jean K. Wilson on Wed , 11/27/2019 - 06:24 PM

Your thorough (yet concise) exploration of the Webbs’ stunning magnanimity that gave birth to Shelburne Farms, Holly, is required reading for those who seek to understand how to span the gap between Giving for aggrandizement of self, or of society.

Submitted by Cap Coyle on Thu , 11/28/2019 - 08:44 PM

Through a friend, I had the pleasure of meeting Alec Webb twenty plus years ago and have always admired his dedication to the farm and its noble mission. Having for the first time become aware of his father’s early involvement in the preservation effort, I now have a better understanding of the history of this wonderful place. In the past I have had the pleasure of staying at the Inn and having Alec as my tour guide, and regularly regret that I do not live geographically closer; so that my family and I could benefit more from all the activities that are offered.
Best wishes for continued success!

Submitted by Jacques-Paul Marton on Fri , 11/29/2019 - 12:05 PM

Hi Holly,

The many compelling stories behind the history of Shelburne Farms run seamlessly together to form a beautiful tapestry of realized dreams and visions. Thank you for introducing me to the story of Derick Webb, who began weaving this living and growing tapestry being lovingly added onto by Alec and Marshall.
Jacques-Paul Marton

Submitted by Lisa Merrill on Sun , 12/1/2019 - 08:00 PM

Thanks for sharing!

Submitted by Dr Chris Ugwu on Fri , 04/14/2023 - 07:30 AM

I'm the Executive Director of an NGO in Nigeria, Society for the Improvement of Rural People (SIRP). We work in the areas of Biodiversity Conservation & promotion of sustainable rural livelihood. We will be glad to benefit from your laudable programs and activities.
Keep up the good work you're doing.
Best Wishes.
Dr Chris Ugwu

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