Sheep and Shear Delights!

Join us any time between 10:00AM and 1:00PM to celebrate sheep and all that they provide us.
A professional shearer will be in the Children’s Farmyard to give some of our flock their yearly haircuts. After the sheep are shorn, you can skirt, wash, and card the fleece, a process that prepares wool to be spun into yarn and turned into warm, cozy clothing and blankets.
We’ll be spinning wool into yarn bracelets and wet felting, too. Plus, a few mother sheep and their lambs will be visiting the Children's Farmyard area for you to meet!
Please register upon arrival in the McClure Center for School Programs located in the Farm Barn. Walk-ins welcome. Please purchase a ticket for every person in your group attending the program, both children and adults. You may pay in advance using Eventbrite, or pay in-person upon arrival with cash or check.