Education Impact
Food & Farming

Celebrating Our 2024 4-H Team

Posted by Andrea Estey
Education Communications Manager

It's showtime!

For many years, Shelburne Farms has organized a 4-H club, The Shelburne Explorers. Participants—future farmers, aspiring veterinarians, and young animal lovers—learn about and work closely with Shelburne Farms' herd of Brown Swiss cows.

In April, each 4-H participant picks a calf to call their own for the season: they care for their calf, train it, and show their stuff to panels of expert judges at fairs around the region throughout the summer.

4-H youth work hard in the weeks leading up to the first show, learning to halter, lead, and bathe their cows so they're show-ready. Says agricultural educator Susie Gilmore, "As group leaders, we support and help where needed, but with the motto of 'learn by doing,' 4-Hers do almost all of it themselves."

  • Andrea Estey

    4-Her Avery gives her calf a pre-training pep talk.

  • Andrea Estey

    4-Her Emma. Her reason for joining? "I just love animals."

  • Robin Turnau

    4-H Explorer Noa shows off his cow to visitors. Noa, a high school senior, is an aspiring large animal vet.

What is 4-H?

4-H is a federal program cooperatively developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Extension system, and local communities. The mission of all 4-H programs is to help young people become self-directing, productive, and contributing members of society by learning practical skills and developing leadership potential.

Having your calf (and yourself) looking tip-top in the show ring is the goal, explains Susie. 4-H members get their calves ready by fluffing their tails, making a perfect topline, shining their coats, and even applying a coat of hoof polish to their toes.

Here are a few photo highlights from this summer's shows. (Champlain Valley Expo is still to come!) While blue ribbons are nice, as Susie explains, it's the joy, hard work, and life lessons earned through 4-H that make it such a powerful program.

Congratulations, 2024 team!

  • Susie Gilmore

    The Shelburne Explorers 4-H squad kicked off the 2024 show season in July with the Multi County 4-H Dairy show in Fair Haven, Vermont.

  • Susie Gilmore

    Naptime in the barn after a long day of showing.

  • Susie Gilmore

    Noa, John, Jordan, Emma, and Avery with their calves at the Multi County 4-H Dairy show.

  • Susie Gilmore

    At Addison County Field Days in early August. Jordan (with South Dakota), Noa (with New York), and John (with Yule) outside the ring awaiting their yearling class show.

  • Susie Gilmore

    On left, Noa and his calf Missouri earned Junior Champion Brown Swiss at Addison County Field Days. Noa and his winter calf won reserve Junior Champion. On right, the leaders who make the team possible (minus Shelburne Farms herdsman Renee).


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