
Submitted by Jacques-Paul Marton on Sat , 01/18/2020 - 10:11 AM

Dear Courtney,
Thank you for your inspiring and timely letter. I've just been notified that I was chosen to participate as a member of the President's Commission for Inclusive Excellence at the University of Vermont. Your words mean a great deal to me. You are so right in that every facet of society " institution, workplace, and community" must be involved in identifying and addressing the words and behaviors that contrive to separate us as human beings and our communal connection to nature and the Earth.
As a 63 year old, and a product of the 1960's, I had thought that we would have reckoned with and dissolved all matters of racism, bias, violence, and injustice long ago. That all forms of prejudice and hatred would end and be replaced by tolerance through dialogues of understanding. But, instead, these forms of injustice are still existent and appear to be the dominating attitudes and behaviors guiding the 21st century. We can certainly see this in today's political and social climates, not only in our country, but around the world.
Today, I am witnessing a new wave of political and social awareness happening through education represented by amazing people like yourself. And I see this new wave of human enlightenment as permanent, universal, and growing by the day. You are not only expanding Shelburne Farms' educational vision but are helping it to share its vision with the World. I believe that this is what we want to achieve at UVM; making it a beacon for attracting educators and students who want to create a sustainable world, where every individual life is connected to the whole of humanity and nature.
As you stated so eloquently, Education is the key to changing peoples outlooks about themselves, society, the world, and if we are to save the Earth. With educators like you helping to lead the way I can envision the principles of tolerance, equality, and justice prevailing within my lifetime. And I want to tell you that embrace my role as part of this change.
Thank you Courtney!
Jacques-Paul Marton

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