Winooski high school students immerse themselves in learning at Shelburne Farms, demonstrating their grasp of the Big Ideas of Sustainability, systems thinking, and the excitement of learning!
U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack visited Shelburne Farms to announce their continuing support for farm to school efforts. Vermont champions of that work discussed how Vermont is leading the way.
We’ve partnered with the Winooski School District to create a summer school program with time both on the farm and in the classroom - read more and get activity inspiration!
Vermont FEED joined the National Farm to School Network for a special webinar sharing their Farm to School Institute model and innovative adaptations of the model happening across the country.
Get a glimpse into how Burlington City and Lake Semester engages with sustainability in some of the many meanings of the word.
How can you build education for sustainability into your practice as an educator? Hear from Shelburne Farms and University of Vermont Tarrant Institute educators.
When educating for climate change, the actions of adults and community members outside the classroom speak volumes to students. Climate change solutions can't simply fall to "the next generation."
Education for Sustainability nurtures the development of community members engaged in creating sustainable and democratic communities.
We need to feel we belong in the places we live if we are to begin to heal them. Here's a personal exploration of how we might collectively imagine spaces where everyone belongs.