Teachers from our 2019-2020 Climate Resiliency Fellowship offer their thoughts on teaching about climate change – and teaching in general – through COVID-19.
What parts of a plant are essential for it to grow healthy and strong? Find out from Cat as she dresses up like a bean plant.
Action plans allow a school team to integrate Farm to School within larger school priorities, looking at opportunities in the classroom, cafeteria, and community. Learn more.
We're sharing this favorite activty from our publication, Project Seasons, to dive deeper into the fascinating topic of compost!
What are the five essential things that plants need to grow healthy and strong? Follow Cat in the Education Garden and find out!
As coordinating organization for the Farm-Based Education Network (FBEN), the Farm is sharing the diversity and equity work of a founding member, The Food Project.
You can support distance learning around the UN Sustainable Development Goals with this new project-based resource for learners and educators.