Effective climate change education goes beyond helping students understand our rapidly warming world; it helps them see how they can make a meaningful difference in creating a healthier future for all.

Based on the guiding principles of Education for Sustainability, equity-centered climate change education helps students understand their community; connect to the world and its systems; and reveals their ability to make a difference via mitigation and adaptation efforts.

Education as a Climate Solution

Climate education was shown to potentially be a more effective way to reduce emissions than many other single solutions, as education can shape attitudes and behaviors throughout a person's lifetime

Events & Programs

Six adults stand and sit around a circular table, looking down at small cards spread out, during a professional learning exercise
Climate Resiliency Fellowship
A year-long professional learning opportunity for teachers in the northeast committed to learning, teaching, and taking action for the climate.
Sixty adults and young adults smile while wearing nametags posed in rows in front of a large brick barn
The Northeast Climate Change Education Collaborative
A partnership of 110+ organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies.