A six-week online exploration of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

Investigate the Sustainable Development Goals framework and apply the global goals to local, regional, and global contexts. Together, we build upon our own knowledge of self, community, and place through the lens of equity and inclusion in order to deepen and refine our understanding of Education for Sustainability. 

  • Examine the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a tool for visioning, planning, and action
  • Deepen their sense of place as they use their local context to understand issues of sustainability and justice and frame learning
  • Design opportunities for amplifying youth voice and community engagement through the lens of the SDGs
  • Engage in a network of educators and leaders working collectively at a variety of scales to shift systems to wholeness, equity, and joy

Guest presenters from the UN’s Network of Regional Centers for Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development bring additional perspectives to the discourse, and selections from Shelburne Farms’ Learning Locally, Transforming Globally curriculum are used to apply the SDGs to our own communities. 

Local Action, Global Impact is a professional learning program best suited for practicing middle and high school-level educators, though all educators are welcome.

How to Register

Local Action, Global Impact is offered one a year online. Join our mailing list to be notified when registration opens for the next offering of this program.

What You'll Learn

  • Learn strategies to elevate youth and community voices
  • Build relationships to place
  • Build relationships and network
  • Lean into tensions around sustainability and how to navigate it
  • Design a community-based project for youth voice and agency that generates local action for global solutions
  • Andrea Estey

    The Sustainable Development Goals offer a blueprint for building a socially, economically, and ecologically just society, adopted by the UN in 2015. The goals address global challenges including poverty, inequality, climate change, and peace and justice.

  • Andrea Estey

    The Local Action, Global Impact program will guide you in applying these goals to your own community and empowering youth to make change.

Create Your Learning Pathway

Local Action, Global Impact is an ideal companion course for educators participating in the Cultivating Pathways to Sustainability program, offered in partnership with UP for Learning.

For more on Education for Sustainability, take our series of three EFS-focused courses:

  1. First, Foundations in EFS;
  2. Second, Immersion in EFS; and
  3. EFS Leadership Academy third.

Or, take all of these classes within the Education for Sustainability Graduate Certificate.

Interested in graduate credit? Some of our programs, including Local Action, Global Impact, are typically offered for optional credits for an additional fee. Contact us to learn more.

Connect With Us

Start a conversation with Director of Professional Learning Jen Cirillo at jcirillo@shelburnefarms.org or 802-985-0315 to talk about our programs and available graduate credits. Or, complete our request for information form and someone will be in touch.