Charitable Gift Annuity: A Gift That Pays You Income
Do you want to support Shelburne Farms but worry about having enough income for yourself and your loved ones? Partnering with the experts at the Vermont Community Foundation (VCF), you can turn cash or securities into a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) that pays you fixed payments for life while offering an income tax deduction and ultimately benefiting Shelburne Farms.
How a Charitable Gift Annuity Works
- You transfer cash or stock ($25,000 minimum) to the Vermont Community Foundation (VCF) to create a CGA designated to benefit Shelburne Farms.
- You sign a contract with the VCF that guarantees you and/or your beneficiaries an annual annual annuity for life.*
- Upon your death, the VCF transfers remaining assets into a fund that supports Shelburne Farms to educate for a sustainable future.
*The amount VCF pays annually is based upon the age of beneficiaries and the size of the gift.
- You receive an immediate tax deduction for the charitable portion of your gift.
- You may choose to start receiving payments now or in the future (the rate that you receive increases when annuity payments are deferred.)
- You receive income for life and are recognized in the Legacy Circle.

Another Life-Income Gift Option
Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRT) can convert highly-appreciated assets into income without loss to capital gains taxes. CRTs provide income for your or your heirs for life (or a term of years), and benefit Shelburne Farms at the end of the term. CRTs are generally used by high net worth individuals and can be funded with any type of property including real estate. Consult with your attorney to see if a CRT meets your needs.
Estate Planning FAQs
An estate plan is a crucial aspect of your financial wellness. Having a plan ensures that your wishes are honored after you are gone and your loved ones and the organizations you care about are taken care of. Estate plans indicate who will pay your final expenses and who will receive your assets such as financial accounts, stocks, life insurance policies, personal property, and real estate. Plans generally consist of one or more documents such as a Will, Trust, and/or beneficiary designation forms.

A planned gift is one of the most meaningful ways you can show appreciation for Shelburne Farms and support our mission. Through careful gift planning, people often discover that they are able to have even greater impact than they had imagined possible. Learn more about the Shelburne Farms Legacy Circle.
Questions? Contact Sue Dixon Special Gifts Coordinator, at sdixon@shelburnefarms.org or call 802-985-0322