We offer a range of fun educational programs for learners K–8 outside of school hours!

Afterschool at Shelburne Farms
Spend time with the animals of the Children’s Farmyard, lend a hand with chores and animal care, and explore the gardens in our on-site afterschool program.
For any student in grades 4–6 with transportation to and from the farm after school. Bus options to the farm are available for students at Shelburne Community School. Typically runs 2–5pm, for six weeks in the fall (mid-September to mid-October) with additional seasonal offerings as interest allows.
Contact Hannah Corbin at hcorbin@shelburnefarms.org to express your interest and to hear when registration opens for the next offering of Afterschool at Shelburne Farms.
For Schools and Organizations

Jr Iron Chef VT
Get cooking with our educators and chefs from the Shelburne Farms Inn. Together, we’ll develop an original recipe featuring local ingredients and practice cooking the dish from start to finish in our professional kitchen. The program culminates in a statewide culinary competition at Champlain Valley Expo.
For students in grades 6–8 at Shelburne Community School. Limited space available. Team meets after school once per week January–March, leading up to a competition in late March. Jr Iron Chef VT is organized by Vermont Afterschool.
Contact Hannah Corbin at hcorbin@shelburnefarms.org for details.

Vacation Days
Join us for a winter adventure during February vacation! Outside, we’ll hike, build campfires, search for animal signs in the forest, and build winter homes. Inside, we’ll warm up, bake fresh bread, play games, and create farm crafts.
For grades K–6/ages 5–12. Offered Monday through Wednesday of Vermont’s February school break, 8am–5pm.